Dropped Mobile

Dropped Mobile


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Sep 7, 2014
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How many times have you dropped your mobile? Ever result in any problems? I had an Android phone years ago that fell out of my motor a few times. It never seemed bothered by it. I dropped my 5s indoors on the vinyl or the carpet perhaps 3-4 times in all the years I owned it, and it never seemed to suffer any damage. Today was scary, though. I had my 8 Plus in its 2 in 1 case, and the whole thing was inside of a thin, very inexpensive faux leather handbag. The strap on the handbag gave way today in the bank parking lot, and the handbag with the mobile and a small wallet in it hit the ground pretty hard. I have been using the phone since then, and it seems fine. Should I be worried at all? Never dropped an iPhone in car park before. I cannot imagine an harder surface to drop something on. :(
Since your phone was in the handbag it will probably be all right since it’s still working properly.
Thanks, scifan57. I hope so. The handbag is extremely thin. It is about thickness of 3 sheets of 20 lb paper and no built in padding. Still, so far no problems with calls or apps, so I guess the mobile is fine. Fingers crossed no bad developments down the road!
Our 8’s are in Otterbox cases, similar to their Strada Folio cases, which protect all round as well as front and back.
About six months ago I reached high up with my iPhone (clad in an Apple silicon case) to take a photograph. To my horror, it slithered from hand and landed face down on the tiled floor of a greenhouse. To my delight, there was not a mark on the phone and it has worked perfectly ever since.
I’ve dropped my iPhone 11 Pro Max a couple times. Nothing very far off the ground, maybe 2ft at most. It’s in a Bodyguardz case. Phone has suffered not a scratch! As far as your phone HunnieBunnie, I would not worry about it! I had an iPhone 7 Plus in a Pelican case for a very long time and can say I’ve dropped that thing too many times to count from 5ft up. It never suffered any ill effects that I could tell. Best thing I can tell you I to get the best most protective case you can for it and also a good screen protector and you should be just fine. You may already have these things in place, and in that case, be thankful you do!! Nothing worse then seeing your phone drop and then to pick it up only to see the screen is broken. Glad that wasn’t the case here!! To all, I will say, Happy Holidays, and to be Safe!!
NSquirrel, I understand those cases are very good for commuters. I am at home almost all of the time, so I use a tempered glass screen protector and the 2 in 1 Dreem case. Together they work great for me. The only cause behind this mishap was the cheap handbag I was using. I wanted to downsize my old, large handbag and only carry my mobile and my card case in a small cross body handbag. I was worried this would happen in fact. I was watching the strap every time I went out with the handbag. I am going to have to try to sew the strap to the bag if I want to continue to use it. Otherwise it simply is not worth the risk. It is a nice, small size, but the straps are not riveted to the bag, just knotted at the end, and that was how the strap pulled through the cut in the bag and allowed it to fall to the ground. I am lucky the phone was pretty well protected inside the Dreem case, but I will not tempt fate with this handbag again until/unless I can better secure the strap. It is too flimsy as is. Will try to attach a snap of it below.



  • Small Cross Body Bag.webp
    Small Cross Body Bag.webp
    65.4 KB · Views: 590
Wow, carolineM, that is wonderful! That was a great bit of luck combined with a well made mobile. It is scary anytime something like that happens, though.
933, given the cost, if I had dropped my brand new 11, it would not have mattered if it was damaged or not because I would have instantly died from an heart attack! :D

I am glad your 11 is okay. I hope you have been enjoying it! So far I see nothing wrong with my 8 Plus, so it weathered the fall well, but it was scary. I never should have put any faith in that hand bag, though.
HunnieBunnie >>I am at home almost all of the time...

Us too; no commuting here, but without a case they slide around so easily. Put them down and the slightest slope and they are off and by the laws of selective gravitation they are likely to aim for the point of most damage.

The 2 in 1 Dreem case looks good.
Yes, NSquirel, it seems Murphy's Law will never be repealed. :D I see it all of the time. Drop a piece of toast, and it inevitably falls butter side down. Have an appointment that cannot be missed on pain of death, and that is the morning the motor breaks down. If doctors will be gone over a long holiday weekend or off for a week or so of vacation, that is the exact time you will develop Strep throat and be in agony. Have to be at the airport by 1:00, so you leave home at 11 to allow plenty of time to drive there, and that is the day there will be a massive 5 vehicle pile up on the motorway that leaves traffic backed up for miles.

Sometimes, I wonder why I leave the house at all anymore! :rolleyes:
Man I about had a heart attack when it fell LOL! I am so so glad it’s okay. The case it’s in appears to work well as it is intended. Not a scratch on this beaut!!

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