Dutch Company NXP Semiconductors Reported to be Working on iPhone 6 NFC Technology

Dutch Company NXP Semiconductors Reported to be Working on iPhone 6 NFC Technology


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Jun 18, 2010
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Yesterday several stories broke that appeared to confirm the ever-present rumour that Apple would finally be bringing a NFC payment system to the iPhone. Now today, 9to5 Mac reports on yet another news story that seems to back up this rumour, and that even names the company that Apple is said to be working with to produce the technology.

According to The Financial Times, via 9to5 Mac, the chips that Apple will be using for its NFC platform in the iPhone 6 are made by Dutch firm NXP Semiconductors, but that’s the extent of the information that is known about this particular partnership at present.

9to5 Mac adds that according to a patent discovered by Patently Apple yesterday, Apple may also be considering using this new NFC payment system in its soon-to-be-revealed wearable tech device as well as the iPhone 6. Wearable NFC payment devices have already been launched by brands such as Barclays for use at public events such as concerts, so it could be that Apple is looking to utilise this technology in its own device.

Source: 9to5 Mac

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