Emailing photos display sideways

Emailing photos display sideways


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Oct 20, 2011
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Is Apple going to fix this? When you email a photo taken in portrait, it shows up sideways. If you take the picture in landscape with the home button on the right, then it shows up correctly. I take all my pics in portrait....why in ios 5 have they not fixed this issue?
That isn't a bug in iOS. It is a bug in the software that is looking at the data. There are a TON of Windows image viewers that don't read the "meta" data that contains orientation properly. They "assume" that the BIGGER number in the picture size data is the WIDTH.

So blame the coders for taking shortcuts and not following the standards for reading meta data :)
Just found an app called Camera+.....doesn't have this problem, I like it. Plus you can send straight to Facebook from it also.
Camera+ has a ton of very nice features. I like to use it for high speed shooting and then review the pictures I want to keep to the camera roll.

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