Erratic iPhone 6 wifi behaviour

Erratic iPhone 6 wifi behaviour

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Jan 10, 2017
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Hi All,

I am having some very strange wifi issues with my iPhone 6 iOS 10.2 (problems have existed on previous iOS versions)

My phone seems to have a mind of it's own when it comes to connecting to wifi. I have listed the multitude of issues below. I should also point out that I have reset my network settings and factory restored the iPhone both having absolutely no effect on the problem! Interestingly the only thing that has worked thus far is setting my phone up as a new phone after doing a factory reset, but if I restore my settings from iCloud the problem returns. So i guess we can rule out the problem being the physical phone itself.


-Wi-Fi in settings will turn off on it’s own when phone is locked, but control panel still shows wifi as being on.

-Even if wifi is on in control panel. It will be off in settings.

-When wifi is initially turned back on in settings it does not display a list of networks available unless you go out of the wifi settings and then back into them and even then it is unusual for there to be any available networks displayed.

-Looking at the main settings page, the wifi section will display a network name as if it is connected to it, but it is not. There is no wifi status bars at the top left of the screen.

-Then when you go into wifi settings a grey spinning wheel is just displayed next to the network it is trying to connect too

-On the off chance the phone can get onto a network it will often not display the wifi status bars on the top left of the screen, but pages and messages will still load.

-If i go to the wifi page in settings, turn the wifi off and then flick up the control panel the wifi is still shown as being on. I then turn it off in the control panel and the button greys out for about 30 seconds before i can turn it back on again.

Thanks for reading this guys and I hope someone can help diagnose this problem.

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