Error in downloading update OS 4.2

Error in downloading update OS 4.2


New Member
Thread Starter
Nov 30, 2010
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I tried repeatedly to update my iPhone 4 OS to 4.2 but after downloading the file through itunes I get always this message (refer to attachment) and I cannot proceed.
Does anyone knows what to do?


  • $Error.webp
    9.7 KB · Views: 2,687
Are you using a wifi connection to download the update? Using a connection other than wifi can cause these sort of problems...
When iTunes ask if you want to upgrade and you click OK, it will ask you if you want to update or download. Choose download instead of update. If that fails try setting your PC's DNS to (Google's public DNS server) and see it that works. Some ISP's are seeming to have trouble downloading things in iTunes lately.
When iTunes ask if you want to upgrade and you click OK, it will ask you if you want to update or download. Choose download instead of update. .

poco..., if I download the iOS from within iTunes instead of "upgrading," will the downloaded file be found by iTunes easily enough for installation/upgrading later, or is there some sort of secret trick to using the download at a later date?

((Note: thanks for the excellent help you provide to many clueless users here, like me!))
Just hold shift while pressing restore/upgrade and find the file on the computer yourself...
had no problem updating my phone iPhone 3GS
may be this is the issue with itunes or windows?
did you update iTunes to the latest one?
what windows version do you use?
Thanks everyone for your responses. The problem was resolved by using a different pc!
I'm having the same problem asTheodch. I've tried the above and it still won't download...or at least it does until the error message pops up once "downloaded" complete. I have BT broadband and have kaspersky antivirus - could the problem be with either?
Karspersky blocks sometimes the downloads. Turn it off before downloading.
Thanks, it was Kaspersky that was causing the problem...all upgraded and everything working fine now.