Error with iPhone 6 Plus... Please help, it's urgent

Error with iPhone 6 Plus... Please help, it's urgent


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Dec 10, 2012
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Hi everyone... So I'll try to explain as best as I can the situation...

I was upgrading my just got iPhone 6 plus to iOS 8.0.2... I first downloaded the update and then updated... Before updating I noticed that there were only 5mb left on my mac... And I thought that perhaps the update hadn't been downloaded fully but I tried anyway because I thought that it should have stopped or asked me to redownload it... I proceeded and I got error 3004 and it got into permanent DFU mode, I tried getting it out but it didn't work... So I tried restoring but I kept getting the same error all over again... I tried to do what is advised on the terminal, put a space after # and other stuff such as flushdns... But nothing worked... I showed it to a technician who isn't very expert about these things and he told me that I should send it to get it fixed.... That's 11 days waiting at least... Should I keep trying something or is it really bricked? I thought that iPhones couldn't get bricked and that you could ALWAYS restore them no matter what... Did I thought wrong? Or is there something I haven't tried? Please guys... I'm begging you... I'm really desperate... I've been waiting this phone for months, ever since the rumors came more and more true.... Please help me, you have no idea whatsoever how grateful I'd be.
Have you tried calling Apple support?
It broke tonight... I've been awake from 3 in the morning trying to solve the problem... I've barely slept... And I watched virtually every single guide that's posted in apple website and quite a few youtube videos... You guys are my only hope
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You have 90 days of tech support through Apple. They will be your best bet to get you through this. On the phone.1-800-694-7466

If you can get Willerz online, he may be able to help. He's the only one I've seen get someone through this. But, again, Apple Support is there for you immediately. Willerz may not be online for a while.
You have 90 days of tech support through Apple. They will be your best bet to get you through this. On the phone.1-800-694-7466

If you can get Willerz online, he may be able to help. He's the only one I've seen get someone through this. But, again, Apple Support is there for you immediately. Willerz may not be online for a while.
Have you tried calling Apple support?
Can i call them now? Can i get to a live chat? I live in italy and the call would most likely be Very expensive :(
Can i call them now? Can i get to a live chat? I live in italy and the call would most likely be Very expensive :(
Apple won't charge you anything for the call if it's within the first 90 days since you bought your iPhone 6 plus. The Apple technicians can take you step by step through the procedures necessary to restore your phone to operating condition.
Apple won't charge you anything for the call if it's within the first 90 days since you bought your iPhone 6 plus. The Apple technicians can take you step by step through the procedures necessary to restore your phone to operating condition.
I know but it's an american number and I live in Italy... It may be free in america but not from italy to america and in italy it's closed I tried to call but I can only call from monday to friday.... Should I try restoring it with redsn0w? I read that it can be done... But i need a second opinion... Thanks a lot for helping me out, i really appreciate it
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Sorry, missed that it was closed. I have no idea how to help you. Hopefully someone will come along to help. You can send a PM to Willerz and hope he sees it.
So no idea if redsn0w may work?

RedSn0w most likely won't recognize the iPhone 6 since it wasn't incorporated in the device list. Plus the iPhone 6/6+ is not susceptible to LimeRa1n, so you won't be able to force boot it.
You downloaded the IPSW file for iOS 8.0.2 to your computer, correct?

After the download, what were the steps you took to do the upgrade on your phone?

In other words, can you list exactly the steps you took to try to upgrade your phone? Hopefully, we'll see something in there we can help with.

Yes, I have, I've also downloaded the actual file and not from iTunes. Yes I gotta point out that I had just updated an iPhone 4s to iOS 8.0.2, it was jailbroken on iOS 7.1.2.
1)Download only of file from iTunes (I haven't used the actually IPSW file that I downloaded from iphoneforums I believe)
2)Plug and backup
3)Click on update software
3b)I noticed just as I clicked that the memory I had left on my mac was 5mb (but I had already clicked) and I thought that the update may have been downloaded but only part of it, I also thought that it either downloads all of it and not part of it but I think it's highly unlikely that I had just enough space for the download, I'll explain better if this point is hard to understand, my english isn't perfect I apologize;
4)It got stuck and gave me 3004 error;
5)It went in DFU mode and I tried restoring it;
6)It got stuck at exactly half way and gave me 3004 errors several times per try;
7)I changed computer and did the same thing, I tried restoring, same error;
8)I tried some solutions found on the internet and only once on the other computer it gave me 3014 error, I tried again later and still 3004 error;
9)On my main actually computer, the first one I used it never gave me only 3004 error;
10)This is what I tried, add a space after #, it didn't work but I wasn't sure how to save so I might have done something wrong;
11)I tried the command "flushdns" but it didn't work;
12)I tried some other random things that didn't look so good but they appear to have worked for some;
Thank you so much, I'm immensely grateful for all your helps.

EDIT: It worked now! I think it was something incredibly stupid... I've never had find my iphone on on my 4s... Here I kept it since it has a ton of battery so I didn't really mind... I remembered yesterday that I had remembered (yeah weird sentence) that it may cause some troubles when restoring... So today that I got it back from some kind of technician I tried after disabling it and now it works!
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Hurray! I'm glad you got it sorted.

Though I must admit - computers sure do the darnedest things, don't they? :)

Still, although I did nothing to help, I am very glad you've got it going again.


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