is this true ?
As far as I understand this, I can't blame saurik for anything. This is how I understand things. Excuse the grammar and this will probably be left deep below the thread since it's a bit late now, but here I go.
Evaders was approached by a chinese company. They were willing to buy the exploits and to sponsor the next ios 7 jailbreak.
Saurik was told about this deal. He thought this all looked suspicious, and told them that he'd try to find a better deal with others chinese companies. Since evaders didn't mention other companies, saurik assumed they were talking only to this Taiga one.
Evaders didn't like any of the other offers that saurik got them. In the end, they grew tired of saurik telling them not to deal with Taiga and told him to stop intervening, going as far as telling him to contact a middeman (some businessman or representative of evaders) if he wished to further suggest anything to the team. Saurik stopped talking to them at this point. Thus, he was never informed that evaders actually improved on their deal with Taiga. They made it clear that they wouldn't be selling the exploits to them, but bundling their app with the jailbreak. And that the app mustn't have any piracy involved.
Saurik was quite disappointed and sad about this, since well, these guys have worked together in the past and are probably in good terms. He was approached by "somebody" or "another team" and asked if he could help them release an ios 7 jailbreak. Thinking that evader's jailbreak was gonna be really dangerous, with all the suspicious chinese company, and the whole "selling the exploits to them" thing, he agreed.
Saurik and this unknown guy/team worked together for about two weeks. At some point, evaders found out that "Saurik was working with somebody to release an ios 7 jb", and they were like damn, if he releases this before us, our deal with taiga won't work. In addition to this, and this comes from Idownloadblog so I have no idea how true this is, supposedly other teams were working on an ios 7 jb using exploits that evaders wants to save for later. Thus, if evaders were the first to release a jb, then the exploits would be safe. Nobody is so idiotic as to release another jb of ios 7 with unused exploits. Probably.
Anyways, evaders rushes the jailbreak, bundles it with the Taiga app, and releases it as fast as it can without warning nobody. Not even saurik, who as creator of Cydia, he really should have been told to prepare beforehand. Plus, it seems that in-between all the rush to code and end the jailbreak, evaders never paid any attention to the newest Cydia bundle and mobilesubstrate that Saurik had been working on, and had given them prior to "stopping all communications between them". Evaders probably knew about this, but they decided they'd first release the "unfinished" jailbreak, then fix it.
So today we got a new jailbreak out of the blue. Saurik is kinda angry that he wasn't told about it, since he's the one in charge of Cydia. He's probably also sad to see this whole drama everywhere in the community. Others devs are getting fed up, such as Wincom, and have said that they quit working on future jailbreaks.
Also, the chinese app supposedly DOES have some piracy stuff. If this is true, then it's a breach of contract with evaders, and they're probably in a good position to release the fixed jailbreak without any Taiga app. Evaders, in all their rush to release this, didn't properly test the app and never saw any of this piracy. So now they're probably mad as well. Saurik is also mad since, well, if the app does have piracy, he did warn evaders before all this started, and he ended being right.
I think that's pretty much it. Evaders probably got paid by Taiga.
-Evaders have every right to ask for money for the jailbreak or have a sponsor pay them. They also have the ability to install an app with the jailbreak if they want (though I only approve if it's easy to remove). Leaving all "spirit of jailbreaking aside", they deserve to see some money for their work.
-Evaders made two mistakes. One was rushing the jailbreak. Sure, they wanted to be paid, but this jailbreak isn't any good for either their reputation, Taiga's, or the community's well-being. They probably should have used the latest tools Saurik gave them and they should have checked Taiga's app to see if there was no breach of contract there.
-If it's true that they terminated all communication with Saurik by telling him to only contact them through a middleman, that's a pretty dick move.
Edit: This is all how I understood it, if all comments by both planetbeing and Saurik are true. Of course, there's a chance that evaders don't really care about piracy or Taiga and just wanted the money, or that they and/or Saurik lied about how it all went. You're free to believe what you want.
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