Facebook Problems

Facebook Problems


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Jan 27, 2014
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Hi, so my iphone 4 is having problems with the facebook app. Often it will randomly close out and it takes forever to open, view things etc. I've tried completely uninstalling the app and re-installing and still have these issues. Anyone have any tips/ideas on how to make it work?
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Try removing the app, and performing a hard reset by pressing and holding both the power and home buttons together until you see the Apple logo and release both. Then install a fresh copy of Facebook, and log in using an alternative Facebook account if you have (if not, create a dummy one for single use purposes). Then proceed to spend a minute or two just flipping through everything, even if there's no content in your tabs and such, so flipping through News Feed, Friends, Settings, etc. Then log out of the alternative/dummy account, and log into your actual account. The issue should be resolved as it used to be the solution to older Facebook crash issues.

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