Facetime / Video Call On Apple iPad Over 3G And Wifi

Facetime / Video Call On Apple iPad Over 3G And Wifi


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x51H0_TIMb0]YouTube - Facetime / Video Call On Apple iPad Over 3G And Wifi - iOS Vlog 244[/ame]​

Skype decided to release their video calling feature a little bit early. I guess they were trying to get it in before the new year. It is a cool feature to use and one that we needed. If you don't have a Jailbroken device, you can now use Skype to video call other devices and vise-versa. Skype is free in the App Store and it is free to make an account. Go out and grab some friends to try it out.
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Why does it make a difference if your phone is jailbroken?

And I don't have the video call button
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