FBI Went to 'Gray Hat Hackers' for Zero-Day Exploit to Open San Bernardino iPhone

FBI Went to 'Gray Hat Hackers' for Zero-Day Exploit to Open San Bernardino iPhone

No, what I'm saying is that they already have access to anything and everything they want if they want it. That ship sailed a long time ago so I no longer care. It hasn't impacted my life in any way and it hasn't impacted a majority of American's life in any way. When's the last time you were visited by the FBI for suspicious behavior? Me neither.
But they don't have that access. That's the whole point of this case. They may have been able to gain access to this device with a specific method, but they do not have means to access all iPhones, and we shouldn't just let them have it without proper legislative process. Furthermore, we shouldn't let them have the power to force a company to give it to them either. That is essentially what they were trying to do.

The "stick your head in the sand" approach never turns out well.
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That's just what I figured would be the case. Given the efforts they made to destroy their personal iPhones and the hard drive of their computer, it didn't seem likely that they'd leave any pertinent info on that iPhone 5C.

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