yep putting him into second over all, bsically every one crashed and was out lol damn rain
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Go Red Bull!!!!!!!!
lol.....thats great
I'm glad it's red bull that's first and not Ferrari, of course I would still prefer mclaren to be out in front. As least we can both be happy with red bull. Lol.
The box will be a saviour next year. Good job you've got a new address since your last one (cough)... Lol. You won't have any trouble uploading back with those speeds. I wosh virgin would hurry up and get fiber optics put in here be looking at 50mb speeds of they do. If you need another invite I've still got plenty. Lol.
You know how I feel about team orders. Lol. Massa must feel like the black sheep of Ferrari. If I was mark I would of done the same thing...
Yeah. All the teams see to be better at some tracks and not others. I suppose it's good because even though vettel is running away with it just now he's not been doing as well in the past few races. Hopefully it will continued that way and we can have a good end to the season. Although I think vettel is too far infront to be caught![]()
Team orders like that should never be used IMO. What's the point of racing if your not allowed to race everyone? Fair enough teams are teams but drivers are out there to win and I want to see them do their best to be first. Not win because the guy in second has been told to back of. Short fuelling the cars annoys me as well. Look what happened to Hamilton last time out. He could of won that race if he had enough fuel or at least came second. I don't see any great advantage to it for the risk.
That sucks how you can't get back on the box. They seem very strict. I've never had any dealings with the mods so wouldn't know what they are like. How do they still know its you? Lol. I suppose I could always Skype you the races. Would take a while by the time I get it then send it over to you. I'm not shelling out for sky. I not long got rid of them as no one watched that much TV in our house. The only time I did watch it was for the F1! Lol. Gt a freesatHD+ box now that works just as good as sky but no subscription...