'frash' iphone flash player not working, (error code is abort food)

'frash' iphone flash player not working, (error code is abort food)


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Jul 28, 2011
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So I installed the Frash player on a new iPhone today, I had done it in the past and it worked but now it says abort; food when installed in cydia.
My question is can anyone(with software lower than 4.3.3) install this mod out in cydia to see if the problem lies in the firmware and/or the jailbreak method or iphone.
the repo to add is repo.benm.at
I used this video to reference/show me how to do it /watch?v=aGznvpIJ2ps
Frash is not working on any recent iOS version. Don't waist your time. Instead, head to the app store and download browsers like SkyFire or Atomic browsers, then you will be able to play flash videos on your iPhone.
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Thanks for reminding me about skyfire. I have skyfire downloaded, I got it when it was first released and they were only selling limited amounts, I guess I fell into the hype but didnt thinlk twice about it.

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