FREE BUMPERS FOR ALL! - iPhone Vlog 18

FREE BUMPERS FOR ALL! - iPhone Vlog 18

i think when people have the antenna issue and cannot use the phone properly its hard to be patient,, though those areas must have really bad carrier reception

True about the carrier reception, if I have 5 bars in my house and I do the death grip it goes down to 3 bars but doesn't drop any calls. But I have tried it at the grocery store where I only get 3 bars and it does drop the call. That is only if I purposely do the death grip though, holding it another way the phone is fine.

I don't really need another cheap case, I bought one already (and I consider the bumper to be a cheap case even though they charge and arm and a leg for it). I might get one of the 3rd party cases, but if it's just free bumpers then I'll pass.
I bought a bumper a couple of weeks ago, a couple of minutes ago I received an e mail from Apple, copy and pasted below;

Apple recently announced that iPhone 4 customers who purchased an iPhone 4 Bumper are
eligible for a full refund.

As of today, we have automatically processed your refund. You have also been refunded for any
Shipping or VAT charges which may have been applied to your order.

If you paid via credit card, please allow 3-5 business days for the refund to reach your account.

Thank you for choosing Apple.

Apple Online Store Support

Can't argue with that, quick and efficient.
I believe he said that the free cases will be available late this week and not in a few weeks. I'm sure they are busy negotiating with manufacturers to find about 3M cases. I would give them another day or two.
hmmm, i ordered mine awhile back and already received my white bumper. But i didnt get any refund emails from apple.

Yep, I received mine a couple of weeks ago, quite impressed with the service in regards to the refund,
And this morning I received my refund email from apple

Dear Apple Customer,

Apple recently announced that iPhone 4 customers who purchased an iPhone 4 Bumper are eligible for a full refund.

As of today, we have automatically processed your refund.

Thank you for choosing Apple.

Apple Online Store Support

Answers to many Apple Online Store questions can be found at online Help: Help - Apple Store (U.S.)

my bro got the same email today too. So i guess the refunds are rolling in.

Apple's iPhone 4 case program is now ready. Download the apps and order your free case right from your phone.

Click here for more information - Apple - iPhone 4 - Case Program

Your choices are:

Apple's Bumper
Incase Snap Case - Smoke
Incase Snap Case - Clear
Belkin Shield Micra - Clear
Griffin Motif - Diamonds/Smoke
Griffin Reveal Etch - Black/Graphite
Speck Fitted Case - Black Tartan
Speck PixelSkin HD - Black
ordered mine, the first one that they have a picture of the white iphone

3-5 weeks it says
just got this from apple..

Order Confirmation

Dear You>>>;p,

We are pleased to send you this order confirmation containing details of your order.

Your web order number is WR0*******, this is an important reference number.
Should you have any further queries, you will need to quote this reference number.

How long will my order take?

We estimate your order to be shipped by 27 Aug, 2010.
We expect your order will arrive by post to your shipping address on or before 31 Aug, 2010.

NOTE:: Once your order has dispatched, you will receive a Notification email, which may contain an updated expected delivery date for your order.

Order Details

Billing Address: Shipping Address: Phone Contact:
Address was here ***
Great Britain Daytime: **********
Your E-Mail Address:

Payment Method: Cheque

Number Product Description Quantity Price Estimated ship
MC597ZM/A IPHONE 4 BUMPERS BLACK-ZML 1 0.00 3 - 5 Weeks
Total: £ 0.00
Discount: -£ 0.01
VAT @17.50%: £ 0.00
Order Total: £ 0.00

Right to Return

If for any reason you wish to return your products to us, please contact us on 0845 600 1683 within 14 calendar day remorse period of receiving your order. The transportation charges set out in the Apple Store terms and conditions will apply to such returns. Full details of the right to return and any exceptions are set out in the terms and conditions found on the Apple Store web site.

This order is subject to Apple’s Sales and Refunds Policies | Privacy Policy
Copyright © 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

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