Front proximity sensor is makin me mad

Front proximity sensor is makin me mad

I don't know that I would say I have had a problem.... But it does seem to be alot more sensitive. If it's not right against my ear the screen comes back on.

My one has to be RELATIVELY close to my ear but I havent closed a call yet so I think mines fine:photos::iphone4vert:
Mine does this ALL.THE.TIME......:( I'll be talking to my husband and all of a sudden ill hear him saying..."hello...hello...hello?!" UGH. It does it every single phone call to anybody, its usually the mute button or hold. I did the reset so we'll see if that worked.
if you jailbroke, use the app called 'calllock' and if you didn't jailbreak, use 'No taps lite' this will help you
I have this problem only if I don't hold the phone against my face. If I just have the top of the phone against my ear, that's when I'm more likely to have a problem, like hitting speaker. No problems if the phone is against my cheek.
ive never had that problem at all, But then i usually lock the phone when on the phone to someone i know im going to be talking to along time for lol
Just a (probably irrelevent) thought: I wonder if dust, gunk, moisture residue, etc., on the sensor has an effect. I've seen some iPhones with camera lenses and sensors totally covered with film, and just plain dirty. Possible??
I updated to 4.3.2 and have had problems with the proximity sensor and dropped calls. I don't know if the dropped calls are from the software or ATTs recent upgrade to 3G in our area.

I am very frustrated. It is bad enough having to deal with the suck factor in iTunes but now I can't talk without hitting the mute button!

Also, I my isp is HUGHESNet which means they have a daily download allowance. Before I can complete the huge download of a new OS I exceed the download limit and cannot connect to the internet for 24 hours. iTunes doesn't allow a delayed scheduleing of ANYthing, nor does it save a partial download so that it wants to start from the beginning to redownload what i had just downloaded the day before.

I FREAKING hate itunes.