With verizon going to the share everything plan. I was wondering how many of you have paid full retail price for your iphones you have now. I currantly have the unlimited data plan and 5 phones on my family share plan, 2 smart phones and 3 basic phones. According to verzons plan calculator it will cost me atleast $50.00 more per month keeping all the phones active and 2 smart phones. Thats if i upgrade to the new plan and if i upgrade to a new phone in the future with discounted pricing. This is BS. I think i will be paying full retail price for my next Iphone 5 in october or when ever it comes out. The Price diference would be will worth it and i would still be able to keep my unlimited data, since i would not be using the reduced price for the phone. I have been with Verizon since 1992 and this is total BS on what they are now doing. 1st time in my life i have been disappointed in verizon. I may even look into other carriers now and see what they have to offer for prices when the new Iphone comes out.
So how many of you have paid full retail price for your iphone just so you can have the iphone?
So how many of you have paid full retail price for your iphone just so you can have the iphone?
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