Fullest Android theme ever (coming soon)

Fullest Android theme ever (coming soon)


New Member
Thread Starter
Aug 23, 2011
Reaction score
pottstown pa
this thread will be the new home to the theme build that im starting. I would like for ppl to post android related apps and add-ons from cydia. not may ppl have tried to do this so its got my attention recently i finished the install and build of [RELEASE] iphone 7 black or white i noticed that there is a abundance of full build win phone 7 themes but not a good droid theme. Keep in mind that im not looking to do that *moderated* htc crap that all the devs flooded cydia with there lame use to much space and have no originality to them. My goal is no have the most intricate gingerbread theme you have ever seen. i will post all updates and release info to this thread.

O and if anyone knows of a high res icon pack that is gingerbread related it would be nice of you to pass it on!
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guy i would really like some input as to what you would like to see in this theme well its more like a build but please post some feed back im still looking for a really good icon pack
why is it that people with an android phone always want them to look like the iphone and people with an iphone always wan them to look like android ?

i have never understood this. i mean, if i wanted an android i would have purchased one......
this is the short story
the ios is cheap buggy and to heavy but the iphones hardware is god like and not done with pounds of cheap plastic

now android is what i guess you could say per jb'ed there not throwing out updates to stop you from rooting the phone its just not easy to do and then you look at the phone if some one can find me a android that can benchmark with the iphone and take more of a beating ill retract this comment but ALL android phones are weak the hardware is mix match and always changing and the fact that its all cheap as hell is what makes the iphone so much more wanted than any other phone

and to my point if you combined a fully running iphone body with android blood you would understand why it is that ppl want this
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