FYI: What Caused Problems

FYI: What Caused Problems

I am not a technical person, so I cannot explain this in technical terms, but this is what happened, and it happened with two mobile phones, my iPhone 5s and an Android based phone--both with different mobile carriers. The Android phone is an emergency back up phone that has only a few minutes on it each month. Both of these phones were having the exact same problems making phone calls to certain numbers. I never even bothered to check on the Android phone, but I did find out the iPhone's problems were somehow caused from iCloud storage being full. I did check with my carrier. It was not the carrier. It was the phone. As soon as I bought more storage, the "full" icon on the phone disappeared, and suddenly I could reach the phone numbers I previously was unable to reach.

I have not had the time to speak to Apple again about this as I have had a lot going on everyday here, but I would bet a dime to a doughnut that as soon as I resolve the iCloud problem, the other problem will resolve, too. I have had this phone for several years now. I never had these problems until I did a major iOS upgrade and iCloud was full. I blamed the iOS upgrade for problems, but apparently, it had to do with iCloud. As I said, I cannot explain how this happened, I just know as soon as we took care of iCloud, the problem resolved immediately and did not return until iCloud storage filled up again.
I am a bit confused. iCloud has nothing to do with your iPhone making phone calls. Perhaps you need to contact you cellular service provider. And I understand your photo issues were an iCloud problem but that does not mean you can’t have two problem areas at the same time.

Just wanted to stress that I did contact them as much as I hated to do it because you know what their tech support is like. Anyway, the idiot had me shut down the phone, remove my protective case from my phone, and then remove the SIM card and leave it out for a few minutes before reinstalling it, turning on the phone, and trying to reach the same phone numbers. I was incredulous. I TRULY did not believe my SIM card had anything to do with the problems I was having, but I did what I was told, and it made me truly miserable. I do not have a "tool" to do this, so I had to bend a paperclip to turn it into a bloody makeshift tool, and that frightened me. I do not like to fool around with things like that. At the very least, I might have scratched the daylights out of my phone!!! These young people do not understand EVERYONE'S situation. I am OLD. I have arthritis in my hands, and my eyesight is poor. I have to wear glasses AND use a magnifying glass to read most small print, and even then it is difficult to read. Plus, and this is totally my own personal business, but I booze a lot at night. It helps me to sleep, but it makes me a bit more shaky sometimes during the day. UPSHOT: I do not fancy bending a paperclip to make a makeshift tool to remove my SIM card and reinstall it FOR ALL OF THESE REASONS, but the idiots think they all customers are young, see well, dexterous with steady hands.

Anyway, did removing and reinstalling the SIM card change anything? NO. IDIOTS!!!! Afterward, they belled me back to ask if it helped. I said no it did NOT help, and I did NOT bloody well think it would help!! THEN I was told the problem would be reported to technical support. I said, WHOA! I thought you WERE bloody technical support!!! HATE to deal with these people!!!!! I would rather come on-line than to deal with tech support farmed out to Thailand or wherever. This is one of the BIG reasons I switched from Windows based PCs and Android based phones to Apple. With Apple, you get tech support located right here in the U.S., and the problem is usually resolved by the first person with whom you speak, unlike with Windows and Android problems where you can end up speaking to several techs and STILL not resolve a problem. My GAWD!!! Whence I think about the hours and hours and HOURS of time I spent on the phone with Windows tech support, I could cry. Total aggravation, frustration, and loss of valuable time not to mention wear and tear on my bloody nerves that I DID not need. I felt like a tennis ball being batted around a court. Windows tech claimed it was not a Windows problem (anytime there was a problem). Told me to bell my computer manufacturer, my ISP, and my phone company to resolve a problem. The others all denied the problem originated with them and told me to bell the others. This was a constant outcome no matter the problem that arose. Enough is enough! I moved to Mac and iPhone and never looked back. I still cringe, however, to think how many hours of my life was wasted with these people. Many times, I was on the phone with tech support for so long that I actually had to go to bed and leave them connected to my computer! I would sometime be up on the phone with them until 1, 2, or 3 a.m. and had to say, "I cannot stay awake any longer."

Anyway, rant over about Windows, etc. The ticket was submitted to my carrier for my iPhone, and two weeks later they left a message on my voicemail one day to say they ran tests, and they could find no problems with my service. They insisted it was not the service, and I actually believe this. I never thought it was my service from the start, but I contacted them anyway just to cover all bases. The problem RESOLVED as soon as iCloud was no longer "full." The problem returned as soon as iCloud became full again. Likewise, on my Android based phone, I have the EXACT same problem reaching the EXACT same phone numbers, and the storage on the Android phone (not a "cloud") filled up ages ago and has caused problems with app updates and functioning, too. I have ignored it because it is not my primary phone, BUT the Android phone also cannot reach the SAME PHONE NUMBERS as the iPhone. Two brands of phone with two different carriers---I do not think it is the carriers. It is NOT the carriers. I firmly believe it all has something to do with lack of storage space. In fact, I had this same problem at the end of my Window's based computer. Defrag,delete, defrag, etc., and NOTHING resolved.

Meanwhilst, if I am EVER told to remove the SIM card from my phone again, I will tell the idiots to GET STUFFED!!!! :mad:
Can I just to clarify: a) the problem is on both iPhone and Android and
b) the problem goes away on the Android as well when iCloud storage is increased?

(If so, forget clean install suggestion. I would be pretty certain that anything done on iCloud will not do anything to the Android. Especially as they are on different networks. External interference would be my next thought, but stopping some calls and not others on both phones does not make sense.)
I have the problem on both phones with only the same phone numbers. Two different carriers. I resolved the problem on iPhone once I increased iCloud storage. The problem never resolved on the Android phone because I never did anything to get it resolved--presumably I need to increase storage space on the phone. Fat chance I will worry with it. I have too much else to do each day.

I now believe it is a storage problem on BOTH phones that somehow causes the other problems.
I hope that I am not just increasing totally understandable frustration.

Common numbers suggests your original supposition: the mobile carrier, but you are using two different carriers. It could be they use the same base station/ the local antenna and equipment to which your phones connect when making a call, which could explain part of the problem.

I forget, but do the common numbers have trouble contacting you?
I know nothing about base stations, so you may have something there. My next door neighbour has an Android phone, and he has no problems with these numbers---my city's switchboard number and my city's police patrol number. I know because I had him try the same numbers. These numbers have no reason to bell me, though.
It all depends on which carriers he has as there is so much different equipment used as far as base stations go. Was a cell site tech for many years and the last few years of being one was trouble shooting base station issues. I’ve seen so many different types and manufacturers of equipment from Ericsson, to Samsung, Nortel, Nokia, and many others. It’s most likely a storage issue as said, as most of the carriers have gotten voice calling down pretty well. Although there are a couple that still have issues. Won’t name them, but I have seen their build quality and it’s atrocious!!
My iPhone service is through Cricket Wireless which is the same as ATT as far as towers are concerned. The Android phone carrier is Assurance Wireless.
My iPhone service is through Cricket Wireless which is the same as ATT as far as towers are concerned. The Android phone carrier is Assurance Wireless.

Assurance mobile should be part of the sprint network, which should have good call quality from my experience working on the equipment. They use Samsung and Ericsson equipment depending on where your live. I’ve also heard of some other equipment that I can’t remember off the top of my head that is used out toward the west coast. But all the equipment I have worked on for sprint was the two mentioned above, which is all up the east coast and out to Missouri area heading west. Siemens is the other that may be used.
I do not know. As I said, I really think these problems are caused by the end of storage space in iCloud for iPhone and the SIM card for the other phone.
Well, after three months or so of peace, the problems returned, so I had to bell tech support again this afternoon. I was advised to back up everything to iCloud, delete everything from the phone, and then start over again with passwords, touch I.D., the works. In the process of doing all of that. I hope this fix is THE fix. I do not have a lot of patience for this sort of thing anymore.
Okay, set up the phone again with password, finger print, etc. Downloaded the back up from iCloud. Belled one of the numbers I had been unable to reach that I know is a working number, and once again had a message that the number is disconnected. Still have that little symbol at the top of my home screen that looks like an old phone receiver, but was told it is for iCloud.

Belled Apple back. Spoke to another tech. She asked if I restored from iCloud. I said, yes, of course. She said, no we should set up as a brand new phone, so I am doing it all over again. I hope it works this time.
None of this explains why your Android phone has the same issues
It is a memory issue with both phones.

In any case, I set up the phone as new, and then one by one we restored, photos, contacts, apps, etc., and I reset my wallpaper. After the last tech and I rang off, I belled the numbers that I had been unable to reach, and I was able to get through, so it looks like the problem is finally resolved---for now. I am exhausted! I have never had to stay on the phone this long with Apple tech support before! That is par for the course with Windows based computers, etc., but never with Apple.

Well, as long as it is finally resolved, I am a happy camper, albeit a very tired one.
Just realised I am not getting email alerts on my phone. Went to the gmail app and did not see anything about it there. What happened to my email alerts for my various email addresses? How do I get them back??