GameStop May Soon be Selling iPads, iPhones and iPods

GameStop May Soon be Selling iPads, iPhones and iPods


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac says that it has heard from “several sources” that GameStop is about to start selling iOS devices, including iPhones, iPads and iPod touches at their retail stores. Apparently dealers at a trade show in Las Vegas heard the news from GameStop first hand last week. No date is given as to when GameStop might start stocking Apple’s iOS range, but 9to5 Mac reports that GameStop stores have already started accepting iOS devices as trade-ins for credit to buy other goods in the stores. It’s possible they will wait until October when the next iPhone is due to be released to ensure maximum publicity. The fact that a leading US video games outlet such as GameStop is now moving into iPad and iPhone territory could be seen as a suitable indication of the increasingly high profile of iOS gaming in the wider games market. And it’s yet more brilliant news for Apple too, of course, as they’ll be reaching yet more customers by having the iOS device range available in such a huge chain as GameStop.

Source: GameStop to carry iOS devices soon, begins trading-in used iPhones, iPads and iPods for in-store credits | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence

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