Getting rid of iOS 7?

Getting rid of iOS 7?

Ok ladies and gents. We need more than one person looking at this issue. This is from Phone > Contact List.


There is the issue. On every iPhone I have every used this list always shows every letter of the alphabet. I have tried bold on/off, Text Size and Large Type on/off in every combination I can. Can't reproduce this output.

I tried "Bold" setting off and on and changed text size to both larger and smaller and it made no difference on the iPhone4

I couldn't agree more, just wished I'd read your post be for upgrading my phone to ios7! I really cannot believe that Apple could generate such a truly appalling update! Lets hope others feel the same and shame Apple into fixing it!

I couldn't agree more, just wished I'd read your post be for upgrading my phone to ios7! I really cannot believe that Apple could generate such a truly appalling update! Lets hope others feel the same and shame Apple into fixing it!

Actually the number of complainers is looking to be less than 25%. Probably closer to 20%, if that. Considering that the number of devices that have iOS 7 is well over 40 million and climbing very rapidly, when +30 million people are happy with it, I don't see anything changing in the design philosophy any time soon.
I've tried every which way on the 5S and can't recreate that contact thing either. I would think it might have something to do with screen size - but then why have the dots there at all? Though a couple do appear to cover more than one letter.
I've tried every which way on the 5S and can't recreate that contact thing either. I would think it might have something to do with screen size - but then why have the dots there at all? Though a couple do appear to cover more than one letter.

THAT'S IT! Good find! Totally missed the N & O missing.

It's has to be the screen size. They couldn't get it to fit with the new font they switched to. Everyone with a 4 or 4S available to check, please do and confirm.
OK, well sounds like the 4 and 4s will have to live with it. I've ordered my 5s and it will arrive in a few weeks. Not a worry for me after that!
Oh, the bullets are definitely standing in for the missing letters. But why do they feel the need to fit the whole alphabet (sorta) on one screen? Is there a way to fix it?

I have trouble believing that 80% of users are really peachy with that vile color scheme. However, what I'm finding from my Facebook friends is that a lot of folks have quietly switched to Android, and more are going there once their contracts are up.

I'd like to stay with Apple, since I have at this point a sizeable investment in the system, but if we can't have a few more options I'm going to have to at least look around at what else is out there.
I have a 4S and since updating to iOS7, I noticed the contact list as you with the 5's are saying. I think it had to do with font size but what's the big deal? Why do you need to see every letter? Most of us beyond 2nd grade know the alphabet by heart so if D is shown as a dot, we still know it falls between C and E, don't we?
I have a 4s and the contact list order is all over the map. I don't have a screen shot but it goes

A - D - F - I - K - N - P - S - U - X - Z #

Must have something to do with the size of the screen because I have more C contacts than anything else and it skips over that in mine.

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Music app is the same way. It's inconvenient but u can live with it.

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RFarthing and Murphy47: Why should we have to live with it? Why should a device that's supposed to make life easier instead make it more complicated? Why should I have to do three times as much scrolling to reach a contact? (And why do I have to look at those horrible colors? What's wrong with choice?)

I didn't buy an Apple computer early on because Steve Jobs decided that nobody needed a color monitor, and that monochrome should be just fine. He eventually had to give way on that one, but the company still has a way of deciding what people do or do not need, and that what company honchos perceive as "cool" is more important than making things easier to use. (New version of iTunes, I'm looking at you.)

I suppose that's fine for people for whom being thought cool is the end-all and be-all. I just want my devices to do what they're supposed to do, quickly, easily, and intuitively. I don't want to live with unnecessary inconvenience. (But, then, I'm not cool.)
Your reply Rossweisse made me smile. As a 50 year old housewife, no one has called me cool since 1989.
Any update is going to tick off lots of people. No single update is going to make everyone happy.
I don't like many of the new features myself, the white number pad for phone calls is garish and hard to read. My email no longer pushes, the calendar app is useless for what I need it for and Weather thinks I'm on another continent.
That being said, the developers, etc are working on more tweaks as we speak and will have a fix shortly for many of these issues.
I just downloaded apps that work better for now and moved on with my life. There are probably 100 Contact apps that work better than the stock one for what you want. Replace the native one and move on.
If you didn't do your research before your "sizable investment" shame on you. Within an hour of the launch/ update there were reviews online WITH PICTURES of all the new features. I agree my 14 yr old likes the look better than I, but SHE is now Apples target market. I can live with that.
Yes, many younger people will go to (return) to Android. Price point is lower so it enables more people to purchase newer technology that is out of the reach of many. Because of open sourcing on Android many features are provided by many different developers. Some are better than others at their job. Have fun trying to discover which apps work and which don't. Good luck with customer support from Google.
You can always trade in/ sell your iphone for a great price and get an Android at any time. No one is forcing you to keep a phone that doesn't work for you.
Why do we have to put up with it? We don't. Buy something else. Dollars speak louder than words.
Bottom line, it's a PHONE. when I call my real live friends, I like it to WORK. That's what I pay for.

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