Getting rid of iOS 7?

Getting rid of iOS 7?

I have a 4S and since updating to iOS7, I noticed the contact list as you with the 5's are saying. I think it had to do with font size but what's the big deal? Why do you need to see every letter? Most of us beyond 2nd grade know the alphabet by heart so if D is shown as a dot, we still know it falls between C and E, don't we?

Sometimes when you bring stuff to people's attention they fix it
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That is true.
Don't know if Apple reps really read this forum much tho.
It seems that there are a lot of different complaints about the update. Wonder which they will tackle (if any) first?
I could care less about contact list but feel desperate to have the weather app working correctly. Different strokes and all that.

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iOS 7 IMO will be a very short iOS as was iOS 6. I'm willing to bank on apple strictly pushing out hot/delta fixes throughout all of iOS 7 and nothing else. Even if it gets to the point where it's like iOS 4 and ends up going to 7.3.X, it'll all still be delta fixes

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Actually the number of complainers is looking to be less than 25%. Probably closer to 20%, if that. Considering that the number of devices that have iOS 7 is well over 40 million and climbing very rapidly, when +30 million people are happy with it, I don't see anything changing in the design philosophy any time soon.

LOL, just because someone doesn't complain about something doesn't mean they are happy with it. And according to your numbers, 10 million unhappy people is a lot of unhappy people!! Most are intelligent enough to know that you can complain all you want, Apple won't care.
<wink> Willerz2, you guys have no sense of humor around here sometimes! <wink> I'm sorry...I will behave! :o
That is true.
Don't know if Apple reps really read this forum much tho.

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If you stick around you will find out that Skull One is "tight' with Apple. He is a developer as are several others on this forum. If he notices and comments on a problem, take notice! :D
Good to know!! Thanks, I will keep on watching the threads.

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Murphy47, I did do my research. I haven't kept up lately; I'm living with metastatic breast cancer (which is a time-consuming and expensive hobby; not recommended) and just moved because I couldn't keep up my house. Because of my lack of energy, I'm totally behind with just about everything. So shame on me for not totally researching the latest update and reading all the reviews, but there we are. Shame, shame, shame.

That aside, I will just say that, whatever else I decide about the brand of phone I get next, I will NEVER again play beta tester for Apple. Life is too short. (And the colors are total crap. C'mon, Apple, do you want grownups to buy your phones, or not? We do have more money than the kiddies.)
Skull One: If indeed you are "tight" with Apple, could you ask them to give us choices as to the colors? It may seem silly, but I still wince every time I turn on my phone; it's just so hideous now. I understand that I'll have to live with the bad contact list, since 7 was designed for the 5 family, but why do I have to live with a color scheme apparently designed by a good-taste-impaired colorblind 15-year-old girl? I can honestly say that when I was deciding on where to go after concluding that Palm was essentially dead, those colors would have tipped me in the other direction. It really ought to be a very easy fix - if Apple cares at all about grownup users.

(I mentioned that issue on my Facebook page, and was astounded by the reactions. Not a single person defended it, but there were a lot of very funny comments about its general ghastliness.)

Skull One: If indeed you are "tight" with Apple, could you ask them to give us choices as to the colors? It may seem silly, but I still wince every time I turn on my phone; it's just so hideous now. I understand that I'll have to live with the bad contact list, since 7 was designed for the 5 family, but why do I have to live with a color scheme apparently designed by a good-taste-impaired colorblind 15-year-old girl? I can honestly say that when I was deciding on where to go after concluding that Palm was essentially dead, those colors would have tipped me in the other direction. It really ought to be a very easy fix - if Apple cares at all about grownup users.

(I mentioned that issue on my Facebook page, and was astounded by the reactions. Not a single person defended it, but there were a lot of very funny comments about its general ghastliness.)


Am not "tight" with Apple. Just a iOS developer that spends way too much time playing around with it.

Jony Ive is the man you need to voice your displeasure to. He designed it. Only he can fix it.
Yeah, I probably stretched the truth a little bit there. But, know your stuff and I think you bring things to light that do get noticed!
Rossweisse, I can totally empathize. I have spent my fair share of time with your current hobby and I will say a little prayer for you.
I agree completely with your assessment of the color scheme. I think 15 years was a little generous. 7 maybe. I dislike using an ios made for Tweens myself and have sent feedback to Apple.
Certainly I can understand the disappointment and frustration spending money, which is in short supply, on a phone that is VERY unsatisfactory. That is what drove me from Android. Months of a phone that didn't work.
Palm was great, and so was Blackberry, but those are no longer options.
In less time than it took you to compose those replies you could have found the pix on line and had a more informed choice as to which phone was best for you.
Send Apple some feedback and see what happens. Maybe when enough people actually contact the company directly they will listen.
Best of luck.

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Thanks, Murphy. I've owned my iPhone 4 for a little over three years now, and it was pretty satisfactory when I bought it. I was just swamped with illness and the stresses of downsizing and moving while ill when the new iOs came out, and went with a friend's enthusiastic urging that I update. I should have remembered that she is, while a lovely person in every way, essentially an Apple cultist. My stupid - and now I'm going to pay for it for the remaining life of my phone.

What's the best way to get feedback to Apple (and have somebody in a position to do something read it)?
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