Good news on ios 5 untethered jailbreak

Good news on ios 5 untethered jailbreak

In the latest tweet from planetbeing, whos working with pod2g on the A5 jailbreak, he said:

“@planetbeing: And we're out of the sandbox with @saurik's invaluable help! (well, at least there's a PoC) :D Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.”

I suspect PoC is proof of concept (but Im not sure as I dont know much about this abreviations :P), so anyone more educated want to tell me what is this about?

I would like to understand this dev teams updates...
In the latest tweet from planetbeing, whos working with pod2g on the A5 jailbreak, he said:

“@planetbeing: And we're out of the sandbox with @saurik's invaluable help! (well, at least there's a PoC) :D Turning out more complex than X-Gold 618.”

I suspect PoC is proof of concept (but Im not sure as I dont know much about this abreviations :P), so anyone more educated want to tell me what is this about?

I would like to understand this dev teams updates...

WOW! PlanetBeing is alive!? That guy dropped off the face of the earth for a while there.... lol
Oh and about the sandbox, sandbox is a security mechanism. Each app that you might download from the appstore is sandboxed, meaning it only has access to it's designated area. The easiest way to think of it is in terms of a sandbox. Each app has it's own sandbox, so it has access to it's area, but no access to the sandbox of another app. Each app has limited access to the device's filesystem. An app usually has read-only access to the application bundle and read-write access to the documents folder. Beyond that, an app cannot modify or read contents from any other part of the filesystem.

All iTunes apps are sandboxed whereas 3rd party Cydia apps are not. This is why it requires a 3rd party app to make modifications to system files.
Jmills87 said:
Oh and about the sandbox, sandbox is a security mechanism. Each app that you might download from the appstore is sandboxed, meaning it only has access to it's designated area. The easiest way to think of it is in terms of a sandbox. Each app has it's own sandbox, so it has access to it's area, but no access to the sandbox of another app. Each app has limited access to the device's filesystem. An app usually has read-only access to the application bundle and read-write access to the documents folder. Beyond that, an app cannot modify or read contents from any other part of the filesystem.

All iTunes apps are sandboxed whereas 3rd party Cydia apps are not. This is why it requires a 3rd party app to make modifications to system files.

Thanks for the explanation Jmills87, but I was actually refrering to the definition of PoC (Proof of Concept?)... :P

Sorry if I wasnt clear ;)
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Wow... Just woke up to this excellent news! Me like it :D

Sent from my iPhone using
Great news for A5 owners and hopefully this time they wont run into any complications.
I came from android which was rooted and preordered the 4s as soon as it was available... I cannot wait till this is available!!!
So, for new iphone users, like me, what cydia tweaks should I be on the lookout when the JB gets released? Any favourites?

I had quite a few on my iPad, but i dont know if there are some specific for iphone...
Pod2g has just said on his Facebook page the jailbreak will be released in 2 to 3 days!!!!!

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