Google+ App more popular on iphone than Android phone

Google+ App more popular on iphone than Android phone

hi Rubicon, help me!! how to log in google +. i was check that site, i have still confuside.

where it ask to sigh in...

enter your Google email address and Password from your Google account. Your password is from your Gmail account/Webpage.
if you don't have an account... join and create a email address and website. its easy.
a hint when joining, build your profile, list your interest (apple), favorite sport team, post to conversation, and use your real name so Google Police don't close your account.

I know when i check a person's profile and they have NO post or nothing listed in their profile, i don't add them to my circles. There are plenty of Apple People.
kingnba6 said:
are you starting to like it ?

Eh. Im slowly starting to like it.

Gaining Circles and adding people make it interesting, getting involve with topics creates a want to constantly visit, or get push notification on the iphone.

I was getting so many notifications i turned off the push and manually check-out topics. Adding people who contribute to conversations makes your circles interesting, and gives you a better opportunity to post.
iCrank said:
i sent you a invite

Invitation received..thx dude..gave it a try it's not as appealing as I thought It wld be..may b coz it's just a beta version..hope d real deal has more to offer