Google Plus for iOS Gets Big Update Including Hangouts

Google Plus for iOS Gets Big Update Including Hangouts


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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports today that the Google+ iOS app has just received a big update, which, among other things will enable you to start and join video Hangouts from a mobile device, not just on Wi-Fi, but also on 4G and 3G devices. The Official Google Blog explains that to get involved, you simply have to find an active Hangout in the Stream and join it. Also in the update, Huddle has been changed to Messenger, as well as undergoing reliability improvements, and the ability to send photos in Messenger has also been added. Other tweaks include a map view in Profile to show where you've lived, improved + mention support, and the ability to share a post with an individual. Public search has also been improved, which according to the Official Google blog is something that users have been requesting, to have Google search technology used in the app.

Click here to download the free app: App Store - Google+

Source: Google Plus for iOS updated with video Hangout support, Messenger update, more | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence
[FONT=&quot]Official Google Blog: Google+: 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99... 100.[/FONT]
Same here lol

Maybe somebody have to have a hangout going first
How do you add people to your account? Any body want to be added to my circle?
jbs06civicsi said:
How do you add people to your account? Any body want to be added to my circle?

Click on circles, the top right corner you should a magnifying glass click that.
DaytonAnnie said:
Me too! I just started with Google+ this week. Just waiting to see....

Don't worry Annie, it's been like that since the beta. It's basically just like twitter minus the +1 button
The way Facebook is going I might have to migrate to Google. I will not be using both that's for sure

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