Google’s Maps App Could be Closer Than You Think

Google’s Maps App Could be Closer Than You Think


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Jun 18, 2010
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BGR writes today that according to a story in The Wall Street Journal, Google’s Maps app is close enough to being finished to have already had a test version of the app distributed to outside testers. The report goes on to say that the app will soon be sent to the App Store for Apple’s approval, once “finishing touches” are applied by Google. When Google were questioned on the matter, a spokesperson simply said that Google’s aim is to “make Google Maps available to everyone who wants to use it, regardless of device, browser, or operating system.” So that sounds like a yes, then, possibly? Either way, this all sounds a lot more hopeful that other recent rumours which said that Google was worried that Apple would not approve any standalone Google Maps app. You would have to think that any Google Maps app would already have a head-start, with so many iOS owners familiar with the original iOS app.

Source: Google Maps iOS 6 app: Testing taking place outside of company | BGR
hookbill said:
Let's hope so. I'm tired of all the complaining.

Same here! Although I've not had any problems with the current iOS 6 maps app.

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