Gradient status bar without jailbreaking

Gradient status bar without jailbreaking


Well-Known Member
Thread Starter
Mar 28, 2012
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For those who would like a somewhat gradient status bar without having to jailbreak their phone. I used screenshots of the Settings window to create this wallpaper. The gradient effect comes from Apple's use of a semi-transparent status bar. This allows the user to add a gradient in the wallpaper that sits behind the status bar but shows through thanks to a semi-transparent status bar. I've also added a nice indentation for the paginator dots. Feel free to use this as a wallpaper or as a template for your own wallpaper creations.

I've uploaded the wallpaper to the forum wallpaper section and it can be found here:

Status bar wallpaper

Anyone desiring to add a grdient status bar to their wallpaper should add a gradient starting from the top of an image spanning 40 pixels down. The wallpaper should be 640 x 960 for best results.

UPDATE (May 5, 2012): I've uploaded some templates for the home screen and lock screen backgrounds. Templates are in .psd (Photoshop) and .xcf (GIMP) formats and can be found in this thread.
Last edited:
Following with the idea in the OP, I've designed a circuit board wallpaper. This new wallpaper can be found here. As always, this wallpaper can be used as any user desires.

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