Greenpois0n has been DELAYED by the Chronic Dev Team. The tool to Jailbreak your 4.1 devices with the SHAtter exploit will not be coming out today (10/10/10). The Limera1n has been released and can Jailbreak most of the newer devices on iOS 4.1.
The reason Greenpois0n has been delayed was because of the Limera1n exploit being send to the Dev Team by GeoHot. He then released a tool called "Limera1n" which came out a day before the expected Greenpois0n. The Dev Team decided to put a hold on releasing the info of the SHAtter exploit so that it could be used for future firmwares or devices if Apple decides to patch something.
Currently the Chronic Dev Team is still working on the Greenpois0n tool except they will be using the Limera1n exploit instead of SHAtter, like I save, to save it. No release date on Greenpois0n yet, more info to come!