Greenpois0n Delayed! What Is Going On Chronic Dev Team?

Greenpois0n Delayed! What Is Going On Chronic Dev Team?

PhilSynowiec News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Greenpois0n has been DELAYED by the Chronic Dev Team. The tool to Jailbreak your 4.1 devices with the SHAtter exploit will not be coming out today (10/10/10). The Limera1n has been released and can Jailbreak most of the newer devices on iOS 4.1.

The reason Greenpois0n has been delayed was because of the Limera1n exploit being send to the Dev Team by GeoHot. He then released a tool called "Limera1n" which came out a day before the expected Greenpois0n. The Dev Team decided to put a hold on releasing the info of the SHAtter exploit so that it could be used for future firmwares or devices if Apple decides to patch something.

Currently the Chronic Dev Team is still working on the Greenpois0n tool except they will be using the Limera1n exploit instead of SHAtter, like I save, to save it. No release date on Greenpois0n yet, more info to come!
i thought this could not be fixed by any firmware update? so why do they care?
I think they should have released it with "shatter" regardless of Limra1n. Oh well, im not touching Limra1n yet, ill keep waiting.
yeah me too. I kind of wonder why they release this "patchable" version of the jailbreak. Probably because of the november update of iOS to 4.2
yeah me too. I kind of wonder why they release this "patchable" version of the jailbreak. Probably because of the november update of iOS to 4.2

yes but its supposed to be able to jb every fw apple release no matter what they do, only by new hardware would it be able to be stopped, so i dont think its because of 4.2.
Good things come to those who wait with the reservation of the shatter eploit for futre use. The chronic team is thinking about tomorrow and not just today. All should be extrememly grateful that this is the course they have chosen. In theory this should keep us jailbroken and free for a long time to come. So whats a few more days or weeks? When you are freed for months or maybe years to come you can look back on these small delays and realiize the wait was worth it. Thanks Dev team for putting in the time for FREE (donations accepted ) to hook us up with all of the options jailbraking allows.
Good things come to those who wait with the reservation of the shatter eploit for futre use. The chronic team is thinking about tomorrow and not just today. All should be extrememly grateful that this is the course they have chosen. In theory this should keep us jailbroken and free for a long time to come. So whats a few more days or weeks? When you are freed for months or maybe years to come you can look back on these small delays and realiize the wait was worth it. Thanks Dev team for putting in the time for FREE (donations accepted ) to hook us up with all of the options jailbraking allows.

i agree with you 100% but i just wonder why they need to delay it if apple wont be able to patch it up.

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