Hacked iPhone 6

Hacked iPhone 6

Chop Saw

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May 30, 2017
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My wife & I are having issues. Seems she has access to my phone remotely and can see everything I enter on my phone. Texts, calendar, even information I log into the App "Chronicle". I know this sounds paranoid, but she even comments on my discussion with my councilor as though she can listen in. Is it possible that her "friend" told her how to hack my phone to do this. She has access to my phone but the phone isn't jailbroke. How do I search my phone for spyware?
If your iPhone hasn't been jailbroken, there can't be any spyware on it. If you and she are using separate Apple ID's, theres no way for her to have access to your iPhone in the manner you describe. Have you changed your passwords to cut off her access? Which iOS version is currently on your iPhone? If you're on the latest iOS version, iOS 10.3.2, theres no available jailbreak.
My phone has not been jailbroken as far as I can tell but I found diagnostic codes on hers that said it was jail broken 9/29/16 and reset back to factory 1/23/17. She was using a program that give fake locations to my "find my phone". Her log in to Facebook which shows her iOS version was deleted between those 2 dates. I'm sure she is seeing someone with much greater technology know how than I have. She is still faking her location but I don't know how. I suspect using 2 phones with cloned sims cards if that is possible
I just upgraded to 10.3.2 this morning. We share apple accounts. She has access to all my passwords. Seems simple to end the relationship however lots of lives will be affected & I have no hard evidence except for the jailbroken phone.
Feels like at least you should change all passwords and make a new Apple ID maybe.
When you share Apple ID she see everything on her phone also that's on your if I remember right.
Or at least a lot.
Maybe update her phone to 10.3.2 if that takes away all ways for her to fake her location.
Seems drastic to start with ending your relationship before you know what is going on.
But it seems strange the way you describe things she's done and say.
Wish you best of luck and hope someone with better knowledge comes to help with advice what to do about passwords and accounts.
I keep mine for my self and rest of my family also.
Best no one knows each other's passwords or share Apple ID.
That's something I read here earlier if I'm right.
I just upgraded to 10.3.2 this morning. We share apple accounts. She has access to all my passwords.........

She will always have access to every thing you do or say, didn't need to be seeing the technically proficient person for that access. You may want to reflect on your life and choices.
We share apple accounts.

I know why couples do this, and I know it's futile to tell such people "don't do that," but, I will, anyway.


It's simply a Bad Idea, for any number of reasons. So, fine, you and your spouse, partner, significant other, what-have-you are totally committed to one another. You are like one entity in two separate bodies. You complete one another. Great! Happy for y'all. Over-flipping-joyed! But, for this one reason, alone, don't do it: When you share your e-stuff like that, one of you getting 0wn3d means the other getting 0wn3d, too.

Double plus ungood.

In the instant case: The wife jail-broke her phone, thus exposing it to any number of nasties. Since husband and wife have a shared account, his information was, likewise, potentially compromised.

You can reveal your account credentials to one another if you want (preferably saved either off-line or in a suitable encrypted keyring), but, never, ever share accounts. It's just asking for trouble.

If the love of your life thinks your lack of sharing reflects a less-than-total commitment to your relationship, you have a problem relationship in the first place, which would be all the more reason to keep your own account to yourself.
Thanks for the responses. I appreciate all the input. Things are very complicated. I'm in a 40 plus year marriage with lots of family. I have no hard proof but I'm trying prevent a divorce by understanding what is going on with the phones. She told me the phone must have been jailbroken by a hacker. I not buying that because no identify theft or anything has taken place. What would have been the motive. At the time I had no idea what jailbroken even meant. Still looks like she has found a way to get around find my phone without being jailbroken. Is that possible?
For Pete's sake... *sigh*

I don't mean to be rude or appear unfeeling, but, strangers on Internet forums is not the place to resolve relationship problems. Nor are they the place to obtain help in amateur relationship sleuthing.

Take your phone to an Apple store. Without going into all the sordid details (because an Apple store is not the place for relationship advice, either), explain you think your it may have been compromised, you're using a shared Apple account, you've been advised it's best you have your own, and ask for assistance with: 1. Making sure the phone is clean and 2. Setting up your own Apple I.D. and setting up the phone for it.

Then go see a marriage counsellor or priest.

I'm out. Good luck with your phone and your marriage.

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