Have an unlocked iPhone4 and want to use AT&T Go Phone - advice?

Have an unlocked iPhone4 and want to use AT&T Go Phone - advice?


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Oct 31, 2010
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I looked around on the forums and while there were some threads about using Go Phone on an iPhone they seemed to be related to iPhones locked to AT&T.

I have an unlocked phone (bought outside the US where they are sold unlocked) and plan to visit the US over Xmas. I don't want to roam on my local provider's SIM but would prefer to get a Go Phone SIM from AT&T. Presumably because my phone is unlocked I could also get a T-Mobile one.

I have two questions.

Do AT&T sell microSIM Go Phone cards? If not, could I just get a regular Go Phone SIM card and cut it down to work in the iPhone. Would AT&T know or care that I was using an iPhone on a Go Phone plan?

Or better still, do they sell microSIM cards for Go Phone/

I have seen a bunch of AT&T microSIM cards for Go Phone on ebay but I am not sure how safe they are to use?

Thanks for helping our a visitor!
I believe the GoPhone sin can be punched out in either regular or micro size. They won't care what service you use because it's factory unlocked.
I believe the GoPhone sin can be punched out in either regular or micro size. They won't care what service you use because it's factory unlocked.

Thanks. Does anybody know how much a sim costs before selecting a plan? I want to compare store prices versus what people sure selling on ebay?

Guess, I'll piggyback this thread since it is related...

I bought my iphone4 on ebay, it arrived still wrapped in the packaging. Seller got it from an AT&T store but never opened it. I just checked it and it already has an AT&T micro sim card in it. So I took the microsim card out and tried to activate it on the AT&T gophone activation site. I got an error saying that card did not exist. ??? I know the phone is locked, but I thought the microsim would still work on the gophone activation page before even messing with the whole locked versus unlocked iphone issue. any thoughts?
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Guess, I'll piggyback this thread since it is related...

I bought my iphone4 on ebay, it arrived still wrapped in the packaging. Seller got it from an AT&T store but never opened it. I just checked it and it already has an AT&T micro sim card in it. So I took the microsim card out and tried to activate it on the AT&T gophone activation site. I got an error saying that card did not exist. ??? I know the phone is locked, but I thought the microsim would still work on the gophone activation page before even messing with the whole locked versus unlocked iphone issue. any thoughts?

If it's locked it won't activate unless you have a legitimate iPhone plan on ATT.
Guess, I'll piggyback this thread since it is related...

I bought my iphone4 on ebay, it arrived still wrapped in the packaging. Seller got it from an AT&T store but never opened it. I just checked it and it already has an AT&T micro sim card in it. So I took the microsim card out and tried to activate it on the AT&T gophone activation site. I got an error saying that card did not exist. ??? I know the phone is locked, but I thought the microsim would still work on the gophone activation page before even messing with the whole locked versus unlocked iphone issue. any thoughts?

If it's locked it won't activate unless you have a legitimate iPhone plan on ATT.

thats what I was sorta tryiong to explain... since i took the sim card out and tried to activate it (at this point AT&T does not know what kind of phone it is going in yet). why is the AT&T site saying this simcard "doesn't exist"? Does it mean it may be tied to that locked phone already? I've ordered a microsim off of ebay that should fix this problem, just curious about the AT&T site giving me that error when i typed in the sim#
Thanks but I had been there before but for the life of me I could not find the place where you order just the SIM card, only prepad phones.
Unless the microsim is activated it won't show up on the system that's why the error.
Thanks but I had been there before but for the life of me I could not find the place where you order just the SIM card, only prepad phones.

Well I ended up calling AT&T and ordering a SIM card. When I asked if I could have a microSIM card I was told I could not use GoPhone on a iPhone. So I then just said to sell me the SIM ($5.95+shipping and tax = $6.5) and I would use it in another phone. If as somebody else on this thread says, the SIM can be punched out as a standard or MicroSIM I am okay, else I will just attempt to cut the SIM to fit.

I then should be able to call 611 and activate the SIM and buy some sort of GoPhone plan - the $2/day for unlimited calls/texts looks attractive to me.
Hey All,

Searched around but couldn't find a clear answer to what I'm looking for and hoping someone could please help me. Just got my Son an AT&T off contract iPhone4 from a good friend of mine. It has no micro sim in it and he did a reset to factory to remove all his information. So my questions all have to deal with recommended GoPhone sim acquisition and.... best activation procedures. Not sure what iOS it has on it yet and I know I'll probably have to cut down a standard sim to micro size. I'm an Electronics Engineer but since I'm an iPhone 4 noob, I'm really looking for suggestions and recommendations

1) Does the fact that the phone has been user reset to factory (to remove his personal data) present any issues in GoPhone for iP4 activation?
2) Should I just get a std size sim from an AT&T store and just say I don't have the phone with me and let them authorize/register it to me with zeros or something for the IMEI?
3) OR... Can I just pop out a newly bought GoPhone sim (not activated), cut it down to micro size and then activate in the iPhone directly?
4) If NO to #3, should the sim be activated in the GoPhone first or optionally in some other older unlocked off contract NON-apple phone first and then cut it down for install into iPhone.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated, as I have to get this thing working and up to snuff so I can warp it up for Christmas. ; )
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