Having some trouble with my 5. Water damage?

Having some trouble with my 5. Water damage?


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Aug 11, 2013
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Hello! In the end of May I dropped my iphone in the ocean for a few seconds and it managed to destroy the antenna that allows me to pick up a signal. I got it repaired at an iphone repair shop (I went to the apple store and they told me I would have to replace it so I decided to get a second opinion which I was extremely happy I had.)
Recently I have been experiencing trouble with the phone lagging. I will start typing and it won't show up for a second or two. It doesn't bother me that much but I was just wondering. ALSO I have been experiencing trouble with charging. I charged my phone all night last night and when I looked at it this morning it was at about 30% battery! Is it possible that I am "overcharging" it? I heard that was possible. Is this linked with the lagging and could they be a result of water damage?
Thanks for the help!
Hello! In the end of May I dropped my iphone in the ocean for a few seconds and it managed to destroy the antenna that allows me to pick up a signal. I got it repaired at an iphone repair shop (I went to the apple store and they told me I would have to replace it so I decided to get a second opinion which I was extremely happy I had.)
Recently I have been experiencing trouble with the phone lagging. I will start typing and it won't show up for a second or two. It doesn't bother me that much but I was just wondering. ALSO I have been experiencing trouble with charging. I charged my phone all night last night and when I looked at it this morning it was at about 30% battery! Is it possible that I am "overcharging" it? I heard that was possible. Is this linked with the lagging and could they be a result of water damage?
Thanks for the help!

It's quite possible that the water caused other damage that was not apparent at the time. Remnants of the salt from the original immersion in the ocean, combined with the humidity in the air, could have caused ongoing corrosion of the internal circuitry.

You can't overcharge an iPhone, the charging circuitry in the iPhone prevents that. Have you noticed any overheating of the battery?

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Well I did notice that my phone was quite warm when I was texting about a day before the problem with the battery arose... Is that what you mean by overheating battery?
I attempted to charge it with another charger because I was hoping it was just my charger acting up but it is saying that the battery is full and then not charging. I used the phone while it was supposed to be charging and the battery started depleting.
Another thing that happened two times was that the phone said No Simcard. Once I turn it turn it off and back on it is fine but I don't know why it is doing that either? Are those things linked?
Sorry, one more thing to add: My mom, who also has Sprint said that her iphone was lagging too, recently. I'm not sure if that means anything...
THANKS so much for helping!
Salt corrosion. Common problem when I go to the beach every weekend when I was still using a Nokia phone.
You can try a rice bag therapy for your iPhone. i sound crazy but i heard that when there is problem in iPhone dew to water then we should put our iphone in ricebag for while. you can search on Google more about this.

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