Also if you already have 4.0 keep it so you can unlock. If you upgrade to 4.1 then its a waiting game to get the unlock.
this is exactly the reason why i never buy locked iphones, i hate the waiting game ;p
this is exactly the reason why i never buy locked iphones, i hate the waiting game ;p
C'mon. Everybody loves a waiting game.he he.
Another question. When I have activated the phone with the blank simcard, does it matter when I insert the simcard from my provider? What I mean is, does it make a difference which simcard is in the phone during the upgrade, jailbreak and unlock process?
oh and I read something about changing basebands which would make the unlock impossible.
Does my baseband change when I upgrade to 4.1?
oh and I read something about changing basebands which would make the unlock impossible.
Does my baseband change when I upgrade to 4.1?
Yes your baseband changes.... so dont update if you want to unlock again once the JB is out
oh and I read something about changing basebands which would make the unlock impossible.
Does my baseband change when I upgrade to 4.1?
Yes your baseband changes.... so dont update if you want to unlock again once the JB is out
But once the JB is out I will have to update to 4.1 and therefore change my baseband, making the unlock impossible... right?
Or is there a way to update and not change the baseband? Read something about this on the internet, could this be legit? (it directs you to use tiny umbrella, and then hit restore instead of update.)
ok hold on... u got me frustrated here!!! u bought an iphone with FW 4.1 already installed and baseband 02.10.04 DOES THAT MEAN THAT EVEN IF IT GOT JAILBROKEN I WONT BE ABLE TO UNLOCK IT FOREVER??? PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me cuz im going overseas in 1 day and if this baseband is unlockable then i'll return it!!! PLEASE REPLY ASAP!! HELP GUYS!!!!
this is exactly the reason why i never buy locked iphones, i hate the waiting game ;p
C'mon. Everybody loves a waiting game.he he.
Another question. When I have activated the phone with the blank simcard, does it matter when I insert the simcard from my provider? What I mean is, does it make a difference which simcard is in the phone during the upgrade, jailbreak and unlock process?