Hi! Brand New out of box 4.1?

Hi! Brand New out of box 4.1?


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Oct 13, 2010
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I just bought a brand new iphone 4 (on ebay) and i bought it at a good price. The seller said it is 4.1 after i'd bought it so i was wondering:

I know i can jailbreak 4.1 with greenposoin or limerain
but what about unlocking? Can i downgrade a stock 4.1 to 4.0 right from out of the box?
Nope, if it's preloaded with 4.1 there isn't a way to downgrade the baseband that allows the unlock. You will just havetoo wait for the new unlock.... No eta on release yet...
i was in the irc chan and one of the ops said there was a new exploit already found for the new baseband in the greenpois0n channel

[16:24:11] <&sema|work> ok just to get it out. YES sherif hashim found a vuln on the new basebands
[16:24:24] <&sema|work> leave it at that

[16:24:56] <&sema|work> (i say nothing that hasnt already been said publicly so im not giving any info away just confirming from firsthand knowledge)
i would def. donate money (dont know how much) but just to have it unlock at 4.1...

now we have to wait till december for the unlock tool? crazy...
i would def. donate money (dont know how much) but just to have it unlock at 4.1...

now we have to wait till december for the unlock tool? crazy...

please dont miss understand my guess for an ETA... they have a hole to use on the new baseband but who knows when we will see a new tool.. could be longer could be tomorrow, anything atm is just a guess

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