hi how to listen to music in iPhone

hi how to listen to music in iPhone


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Oct 29, 2012
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hi, in what ways do people usually use to listen to music in their iPhone?

Download from iTune? Does it cost any price? Directly transfer MP3 file from computer? or any other better formats? Is there any free sites that can download free music optimized for iPhone?

Thank you!
Good thing about the iPhone... it'll play pretty much any audio file time you throw into it. If you have a download service for music... chances are it's coming in MP3 format, which works seamlessly w/ your iDevice. iTunes... the majority of the music available there will run you between $.49 & $1.29 depending on how new and what demand it's in.
I recommend amazon.com for music. I purchase all my music there. They also have a cloud available and you can upload your music (I think 20 gb) and play your music via the amazon player app anywhere you are at without having to download the music on your phone and using up your available space.