How to limit what syncs to an iPhone

How to limit what syncs to an iPhone


New Member
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Dec 23, 2011
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I am new to iPhone, having just bought a 4S today. I want to sync it with my computer to transfer some files, but I do NOT want to transfer all of the stuff that I have on my iPad to the iPhone. I have been searching online and on this forum, but I cannot see how to do that. Can anyone tell me how to limit what gets transferred?

Many thanks,

When you hook it up, set it up to manually sync. Then go through and uncheck or check each thing individually. Make sure you scroll to the bottom of each page to see every option that needs to be checked or unchecked.

I do not know if there is an easier way than that. You would then have to recheck everything if you need to resync your ipad. Hopefully others will chime in with more/better advice!
iTunes will treat your iPhone and your iPad as two separate entities. So, you control what goes on the iPhone. You can add contacts, music, etc., from iTunes - and it will stay separate from what iTunes is putting on the iPad. So, don't worry, you won't have to put stuff on it that you have on the iPad, and vice versa.

To prevent any auto syncing, however, may I recommend you do two things to your settings in iTunes:

(1) Under Edit > Preferences > Devices, ensure you've checked the box titled "Prevent [iDevices] from syncing automatically."

(2) With your iPhone (or iPad) connected, under that iDevice's Apps tab (on the right), at the bottom of the apps list, next to the window that show's your homepage(s), make sure the box titled "Automatically sync new apps" is UNchecked.

This way, you control any/all syncing. And, if you leave these two boxes checked/unchecked, you won't have to do anything more, regardless of which device is plugged in. Again, iTunes recognizes each device separately and you can control what gets put on each one.

I have both an iPad and an iPhone 4S using the same iTunes - I don't have the same apps, songs or movies on the devices. All of it was/is easy to control via iTunes.

Hope this helps/reassures. Good luck and congrats (!) on your new phone.
