Howdy All, New iphone user here

Howdy All, New iphone user here


New Member
Thread Starter
Apr 16, 2012
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Howdy all. Just picked up my 4S a week or so ago. I'm not new to IOS or computer at all. This is however my first iPhone. Heck the wife and I both picked one up. I guess it was bound to happen since we first purchased our iTouch a couple years back. Then came the iPad followed by iPad2. Shortly afterwards the iMac so I could use iPhoto and magically my Android phone didn't look that awesome anymore LOL.

Been in technology since the early 80's when I took my first Atari 600XL apart when I was 10years old and luckly I was able to get it back together again.

Joined the Navy and worked on Nuclear Missiles for a living and a bunch of more stuff and here I am. ;)
Welcome Kizer... Navy, huh. I'm a USAF type myself. Anyway, I also bought an iPhone for myself and my wife, and all's well. FYI, I still have over 100 5" floppies of Atari programs for my 4 Atari computers, which I will maintain forever!

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