Hue iOS-Controlled Light bulb System Goes Onsale in Apple Stores

Hue iOS-Controlled Light bulb System Goes Onsale in Apple Stores


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports that the new Philips hue light bulb system will be onsale, in Apple Stores exclusively, from Tuesday. The hue starter pack costs $199, and contains three 600-lumen bulbs and a hue bridge, which is used to connect the bulbs to your home network. Each of the bulbs uses 80% less juice than a regular light bulb, despite giving off the equivalent light to a 500-watt bulb. Bulbs can be purchased individually for $59. People who install hue in their house can use an iOS app to remotely control their lighting via their iPhone or iPad, even adding their own timers and settings. The bulbs are claimed by Philips to be upgradeable and future-proof, as it is possible to download new features for the bulbs.

"Philips hue is a game-changer in lighting – a completely new way to experience and interact with light," said Jeroen de Waal, head of marketing and strategy at Philips Lighting. "In the way phones, media and entertainment have been revolutionized by digital technology, now we can also personalize light and enjoy limitless applications.

"Philips continues to redefine the possibilities of LED technology, and hue pushes the boundaries even more, not only in offering great light quality, but in how lighting can be digitized and integrated with our world to further simplify and enhance our lives."

Source: Philips hue app-controlled lightbulbs debut exclusively at Apple stores
I already have the Belkin Wemo.....


Which enables me to turn on any electrical appliances (from the wall socket only) from anywhere in the world. As you can see it's set up currently to turn two lamps in my house on and off remotely. It can also be bought with a movement sensor and can be programmed with ITTT technology, so I could set them both to turn on a sunset.

If it wasn't for the fact that every light in my house is a mini spot I would look at getting a set of those bulbs too.

The Archangel
It is a 50 Watt bulb. I want them and read all the marketing data this morning.
Thanks for correcting that, I didn't realise that the original story was wrong, 500 watts does seem a bit strong, lol!

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