As said it already, i am not here to argue, let's close the subject as it is. DOES NOT HAPPEN is something you should never use as it's gravity is way to misleading. Things can happen, the point is how often. In one platform a lot often than the other android<apple. Iphones can get hacked and infected, new and new hacks will keep appearing until apple fixes them with the next update. Just as PASSCODE bypasses do exists, although quickly patched. I am not here to talk against apple, my next phone will be iphone (hopefully ofcourse), but for me the software was wiped by a program which i now have to "accept" want it or not that is impossible to trick and new software was installed which i again have to "accept" nothing happened because someone says so without giving me single proof how the iphone verifies what is installed on it. You keep saying its verified by the apple services, i ask you if i try to reinstall ios on iphone without Itunes and the apples services will it work, you keep saying the "servers" will take care of it. I repeat that i am not worried that the servers were wrong i worry they were bypass at all and a cracked copy of IOS was installed on the iphone without using the apple services at all. On the local torrent tracker i've checked cracked versions of IOS 11 exist and are downloadable. So if thing exists it can be downloaded and uploaded, unless its all a scam, but to many posts only keep appearing that those things can exist. How can i know they are myth just because its Apple. They are the best yes but not foolproff, and when the fooling happens the Apple, although always willing to help, will say but why did you use different program instead of Itunes. I will try to explain that as new to apple i used what i saw on that laptop and the responce would be you should've used a safer laptop. Thats the reality, when i said Apple (and every company ever else) wont care what you with the device i meant it the way- they are not babysitters- if you drop your iphone your done. If you jailbreak the device its on you. If you are stupid enough being fooled by cracked program its on you. One of my older phones (yes, android) was so brutally hacked without me doing ANYTHING apart from accidently downloading wrong program by accidentally taping on download while scrolling made a so strong infection that Factory reset wasn't able to help. The whatever it is had rooted itself in and when i got to warrenty they've gave me the cold water saying its "on you". I am not that mad about the phone but the passwords that have been stolen and accounts. I am not making same mistake twice. My personal information and accounts are lot more important for me than a phone even if the best at the moment. All answers that i hear is IT can't happen, the one i really hate the mos- "But why excatly on you", Well it happened exactly on me by proportions that i never believed are possible and now i believe anything can happen, as long as someone is willing to spend enough time preparing maliscious programs around, Those people exists, they are no myth, their attentions are always different but there are there. And when they breach the security, apple will patched it next update but who ever burns is burned. No going back.
So since there is absoultely nothing that can convince me my iphone cant be wiped by hacking tool and than some cracked ios being installed on it, there is no way i would ever choose to simply ignore my intuition and blindly follow the "experts" who will later simply turn their head when something happens, fix it for future and leave you as pure statistic. I am not talking about the people on this forum.
Now its probably nothing, i am almost sure there was no way anything happend, but almost is always 50/50% no matter. The topic went way ahead of it purpouse though. I asked a question, you answer based on you knowladge with apple, i am glad you helped, but i won't pretend, i still couldn't figure out the defence mechanism iphone has to detect Itunes and to make difference between Itunes and a different similar program. Enough with this, i will take care of the problem on my own way.
Cheers and no hard feelings to anyone!