icloud picture sync from PC to iphone

icloud picture sync from PC to iphone


New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 29, 2013
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Hi everyone,
I am a new apple user. A little bit of a transition but now I love it! Runs much more efficiently. I decided to sync my pictures on the cloud. It has been working perfectly. I can take a picture and it shows up right away on my PC. Same if I delete a picture on my phone...it's gone on the PC.

So this morning I wanted to organize my pictures. I went to the PC. Deleted and moved a bunch of pictures from my icloud photos folder. Problem is it hasn't removed those pictures from my phone. Shouldn't it do that automatically? I couldn't find a way to force a sync. I tried turning the icloud picture sync on and off on my phone. I tried rebooting my phone several times. The pictures are still there. Now I could delete them manually but before I do that I would like to know if there is something I'm doing wrong. Seems it should automatically sync from the PC to phone as well as it has been from my phone to PC.

Thanks everyone for your help. I have a feeling I may be here for a while! Ha ha
To the admin...I reposted this in the icloud forum thinking it should really be there. Go ahead and delete this one. :D