I'd love some Recovery Loop help!

I'd love some Recovery Loop help!


New Member
Thread Starter
Feb 11, 2013
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I mistakenly clicked to update my jailbroken iOS 5.1.1 iPhone 4 to what I think was iOS 6.1.0 through "Settings" on the phone. The update failed, and now it's stuck in a Recovery Loop.

I can only get into a semblance of a DFU Mode by following these instructions - How do I enter DFU mode if device is in recovery loop? - (other instructions don't work) but once I do that, the tools I've tried still don't seem to work.
I've tried redsn0w 0.9.15b3, TinyUmbrella 6.10.02, iREB-r6, and EasyiRecover 2.5 (as I have Windows 7) to try to kick it out, but all fail:

--redsn0w either returns "USB Communication Problem" if I don't select some IPSW file first, and "Exploit Failed" when I do. I'm not sure I'm using the tool properly; I'm not even sure what I'm doing when I select an IPSW or don't.

--TinyUmbrella, when using its "Fix Recovery"or "Exit Recovery" buttons, either brings the phone to a white screen, or a screen that reads:

"Unable to find gBdevList
Unable to find fs_mount
Unable to find fs_unmount
Unable to find fs_load_file
Greenpois0n initialized"

Rebooting after either just brings it back to the Recovery Loop.

--iREB does something when I click on the "iPhone 4" button when I already have it in a DFU Mode. It says it's "Exploiting with limera1n," and then comes up with a pop-up window that says it's in "PWND DFU," and that iTunes should recognize it. Unfortunately, in none of these instances has iTunes recognized my device.

--EasyiRecovery 2.5 is a mystery to me - it doesn't look like it does anything. Clicking the "Exit Recovery" button just bring up an empty command prompt called "Exit.bat"

Some help getting back to any form of normal would be extremely appreciated!! I'm pretty lost at this point :\
Resolved (thank heavens!)

Uninstalling iTunes, deleting leftover system files, and reinstalling it seemed to do something to let redsn0w do its job with the "Recovery Fix." I'm not sure what or why, but I'm so glad I stumbled on a solution, and that my phone is working like it was again!! :D
I have exactly the same problem that this guy, but his solution doesn't work for me, i can't go in DFU mode after uninstall and reinstall iTunes...
After uninstalling iTunes did you remove left over system files? How?

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