iMessage/SMS Issues

iMessage/SMS Issues


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Jul 2, 2015
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Trying to figure out logic of iMessage. I get that blue = iMessage and green = SMS. I have two colleagues who both have iPhones. One number shows blue and one shows green when I type in their numbers to send a text. (I assume that green colleague either missed an upgrade or does not have iMessage turned on.) When both numbers are entered (group text), both turn blue. One colleague (blue) receives the text; the other one (green) does not. If I add a third colleague (blue) [now sending group text to two blue and one green], they all turn green and all receive the text.

I have turned off iMessage, and everyone seems to be receiving my texts. my number now showing green when others include me in group texts? Perhaps I won't receive texts, just as my colleague wasn't receiving mine.

I am having different issues with my iPad. I have two friends whose texts always show on my iPad, but never on my phone. I thought the point of iMessage is that they would show on both.

Is there a place that concisely explains the logic of iMessage?

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