Interesting battery drain find!

Interesting battery drain find!

That's horrible. Only 3 hours of use?

Mine is about 30 percent with about 5 hours of use.

Look at the stand by time. Today, still on that same charge with 24% left and 2 days, 10 hours stand by time. Stand by time is my gauge for battery life not use. Use is just that, use, I expect the battery to drain under use. People here complaining of poor battery performance are relating that to how much battery drain they have while the phone idle.
My 4s battery goes from 100 to 90% very quickly after charging over night. (In about a half hour while connected only to wifi and while I usually just check the weather or send a few emails) However, at the end of the day it has only dropped to about 45% after using it much more. Usually I'm connected to only wifi but I stream YouTube, listen to music, make calls, message, email, Facebook, twitter and even Netflix. Anyone have an idea as to why this is? I expect it to drop while using it but I seems strange that I can take it off the charger, take a shower and get dressed in the morning look back at my phone a short time later and it's already down in the low nineties. I'm happy with it otherwise, it performs well save for that first 10%.

My battery life has drastically improved! Doing both the Siri and calender fix has more than doubled my battery time. I used to get 50 percent at about 2 hour of hardcore usage. Now I get about 80 percent on 2 hours of hardcore usage. Then again I also did the battery drain completely and recharge to 100 percent trick a few times too, to train the old battery on my 4s. I'm a happy camper and I do suggest it. Good find!

Bah, I went back to 5.0.1 to wait for the jailbreak.

I am not gonna give up Siri just to have a bit more battery, nor am I going to give up anything that I want open.

I am just going to charge it more. So be it :)
Bah, I went back to 5.0.1 to wait for the jailbreak.

I am not gonna give up Siri just to have a bit more battery, nor am I going to give up anything that I want open.

I am just going to charge it more. So be it :)

What happened with the ios 5.1 beta 3? Was your battery life any better at all?
wymi said:
What happened with the ios 5.1 beta 3? Was your battery life any better at all?

Well a little bit with 3G off, but wasnt anything spectacular (wont be since its not so much a softwAre issue only).
Figured between jailbreak and a LIIIIITLE more battery life, i ll go with jb haha
That's horrible. Only 3 hours of use?

Mine is about 30 percent with about 5 hours of use.

Look at the stand by time. Today, still on that same charge with 24% left and 2 days, 10 hours stand by time. Stand by time is my gauge for battery life not use. Use is just that, use, I expect the battery to drain under use. People here complaining of poor battery performance are relating that to how much battery drain they have while the phone idle.

Interesting to note that actual phone call use does not seem to be reported in the usage stats. At least for me. Try it out and see your results.
Phone call is part of usage time. Unless you download some apps from the store to have a full details of usage time.

Correct it SHOULD be. But it doesnt seem to be is what I am saying. Example the other day (light day) I was showing 30 min usage and 15+ hr standby, but I knew I had been on the phone for a while. Looked back at call logs and was actually talking on the phone for 60 minutes. Added to that are a few emails, txt, download an app and play with it some. etc. So I started watching and it seems than none of the actual talk time is showing up in usage. I really do not have the battery issue per se since 5.0.1 but this usage reporting is just not accurate.
Correct it SHOULD be. But it doesnt seem to be is what I am saying. Example the other day (light day) I was showing 30 min usage and 15+ hr standby, but I knew I had been on the phone for a while. Looked back at call logs and was actually talking on the phone for 60 minutes. Added to that are a few emails, txt, download an app and play with it some. etc. So I started watching and it seems than none of the actual talk time is showing up in usage. I really do not have the battery issue per se since 5.0.1 but this usage reporting is just not accurate.

Strange issue. Usually, either the battery usage stat is working, or you plug in charger even for a second and it will read - - or 0 0
But not count phone call or email as usage time?
Do a hard reset see if it will fix it up or not.
Reset does not help. Since I have had the device I have restored. Restored with 5.0.1 9A406. Things like that. As stated the phone works well no real battery issue or other problems other than that. So am I understanding that if you look at your usage, make a 5 minute call then come look again it goes up by 5 min (or more)? Mine will just report maybe the time the screen was open to get to the settings etc but not really log the actual call time. Strange, would be interested to know if others experience this. I may post a separate thread regarding this.
I've left my screen brightness setting on the default ("auto-brightness" ON) although I'm not sure I've ever noticed a difference between day and evening use.

Anyone play around with this?

In other words, has anyone turned auto-brightness OFF, adjusted the screen brightness manually, and seen any significant battery life improvement? (I'm not sure, logically, if it would or would not result in better battery use, as I'm not sure how much difference there really is day to night)
I've left my screen brightness setting on the default ("auto-brightness" ON) although I'm not sure I've ever noticed a difference between day and evening use.

Anyone play around with this?

In other words, has anyone turned auto-brightness OFF, adjusted the screen brightness manually, and seen any significant battery life improvement? (I'm not sure, logically, if it would or would not result in better battery use, as I'm not sure how much difference there really is day to night)
I have my auto brightness off and just leave the brightness set on just short of half way. The sensors that control the auto brightness surely use up some battery power.
I've left my screen brightness setting on the default ("auto-brightness" ON) although I'm not sure I've ever noticed a difference between day and evening use.

Anyone play around with this?

In other words, has anyone turned auto-brightness OFF, adjusted the screen brightness manually, and seen any significant battery life improvement? (I'm not sure, logically, if it would or would not result in better battery use, as I'm not sure how much difference there really is day to night)

Of course any time you can turn down the brightness it will help. What I have done and observed is turn the screen to about 50-55% and also set the auto. What it appears to do is max will be 55% or whatever but in low light it dims further. So basically leaving the auto on will still take it up or down depending on light conditions BUT only max to where you set the slider.

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