iOS 10 Beta - Problems, Bugs, and general discussions

iOS 10 Beta - Problems, Bugs, and general discussions

Here it is in Display & Brightness.
I'm still having same issue as on beta 1 with facebook crashing, I've not noticed any other issues hope you get this fixed before public beta comes out

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I'm still having same issue as on beta 1 with facebook crashing, I've not noticed any other issues hope you get this fixed before public beta comes out

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Welcome to iPhone Forums, Andycorton!

If you want to tell Apple about it, use the Feedback icon on your iDevice.

iPhone Forums is dedicated to the iPhone. We're discussing everything related to this device, and we're trying to help members with problems. iPhone Forums is not affiliated with Apple. So it's not very likely that Apple will see your complaint/suggestion when you post it in one of our threads.
I'm still having same issue as on beta 1 with facebook crashing, I've not noticed any other issues hope you get this fixed before public beta comes out

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There's no guarantee that the problem with Facebook app will be fixed by the time the public beta is released. Bugs and other issues are one of the risks you have to accept if you're using beta software. The public beta will be a little more refined than the first developer beta but it's still not a finished product. Public beta testers are encouraged to use the Feedback app to report any problems they experience while using the beta.
Was going to but just noticed on it should say iOS 10 but not showing iOS 9

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For those who are interested, Apple has released the first public beta of iOS 10. Public beta participants can head to the Apple beta software program page to sign in and get the download.
For those who are interested, Apple has released the first public beta of iOS 10. Public beta participants can head to the Apple beta software program page to sign in and get the download.
Thank you for the information! I'm installing the profile,right now.

For those on 9.3.3 Public Beta: you have to delete the profile for iOS 9 Beta, or else you can't install the profile for iOS 10 Public Beta.
Thank you for the information! I'm installing the profile,right now.

For those on 9.3.3 Public Beta: you have to delete the profile for iOS 9 Beta, or else you can't install the profile for iOS 10 Public Beta.

You're welcome.
The macOS Sierra public beta was released today as well.

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