iOS 4.2 Install Question

iOS 4.2 Install Question

Thanks again, gaz..., for the info. I suppose I'll get used to the Apple way of doing things in good time. However, as I questioned above, are you sure there is a download link for iOS 4.2 on the web site? I couldn't find it. I'd like to download the version 4.2 onto my flash drive in a high speed location (not my home!) in case I ever "need" to install 4.2.
You won't find it on the apple website by browsing through it. They are on there however as iTunes can find them!

Here's a link to every public iPhone software ever. They are the official ones that iTunes would download for you. I've used them myself with no problems in the past. My phone is on the 4.1 software downloaded from the link right now. Make sure you choose the correct one for the iPhone 4...

iClarified - iPhone - Where To Download iPhone Firmware Files From
Excellent, gaz.... Thanks for that link, as it may become quite useful in the future.
My internet provider has a 350 MB limit per day, so I always bust that with a OS update unless I get up to do it between 2:00AM and 7:00AM which is free time.
So... I started driving to Starbucks and using their free wifi to do my updates while I enjoy one of my favorites.... a Green Tea Frapahoochie or whatever it's called.
Use something like a download manager to controll your download eg 700mb over few days( you can just stop & go as you please,especialy with those slow speeds man.
Not sure your future plans but if you are going to jail break it Id leave it where it is now and do not upgrade. Also, If you need a particular IoS version let me know as since I have upgraded and downgraded both, I know where you can get pretty much any Ios version. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.