iOS 5.1 Released

iOS 5.1 Released

Trkdrvremt said:
Tried twice keeps failing :(


I tried doing it straight from the phone rather than wanting to wait till tonight when my fiancée gets home so I can use the MacBook but it didn't work. I guess I have no choice but to wait ;)

Shame really...

Sent from my  iPhone 4 using App available in the App Store
My battery life has improved. I'd say I'm consistently getting about 16 more percent then normal. Meaning if I'm usually used to being at 33% battery by a certain time. I'm instead at 49%. Pretty good improvement. No other changes to my style of using the phone. So pretty good update by apple so far. Right now I should be at about 30 or 33 percent. In at 48 percent right now and using the phone heavily. Unplugged from charge at noon. It's now been almost 14 hours. I'm happy to say bat life has improved and more then just a tiny bit. Hope the same is for everyone else. I'm on a 4s about 2 months old.
ebrahim_yusuf said:
Does ios 5.1 give you the option to turn 3G off?

from my  iPhone 4Susing

I'm presuming the option in the top right is what your after


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ebrahim_yusuf said:
Not really.. Id want to turn off 3G and still have edge..

from my  iPhone 4Susing

Pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by "edge?"

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