iOS 5 May Not Be Compatible with iPhone 3GS

iOS 5 May Not Be Compatible with iPhone 3GS


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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MacStories reports today that a new rumour has surfaced to the effect that when iOS 5 is released this fall, it may not be compatible with the two-year-old iPhone 3GS. The news comes via a tweet from Russian analyst and Mobile Review editor Eldar Murtazin, in which he says that the iPhone 3GS will be unable to upgrade to iOS 5, and will therefore be stuck on iOS 4. Murtazin has yet to elaborate any further on this prediction, so there’s really no way of knowing how credible it is. MacStories notes that earlier this month 9to5 Mac reported that Apple was internally testing iOS 5 on the iPhone 3GS, although even if that report is correct, it's still not a cast-iron guarantee that the iPhone 3GS will be getting iOS 5, and 9to5 Mac stated as much at the time. Doubtless we’ll have a much clearer picture after June 6, when Apple is expected to unveil details about iOS 5.

Source: MacStories: Rumor: iPhone 3GS Won’t Get iOS 5
there are so many people who refused to buy the 4 and got the 3gs because of "antenna issues" and now the iphone 3gs wont even support the ios 5.. i knew it would get dropped but i did not think so quickly.. though apple did not even want to put ios 4.0 on the 3g and they did but it was a mistake...

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