iOS 5 Update ISsues

iOS 5 Update ISsues


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Nov 3, 2011
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New to forum and iPhone guys and needing a little help! Just updated to ios 5 last week on iPhone 4 and since then had nothing but problems. When trying to sync with iTunes it gets to step 2 of 6 where it is backing up, but seems to be going nowhere. There's not too much stuff on phone that would make it take so long and getting a bit frustrated that I can't cancel backup. Help
I'm having the same problem! I updated my iPhone 4 to iOS 5 last week and have been having nothing but problems too. My apps don't act right (which can possibly be attributed to the lack of updates for specific apps to improve performance with iOS 5)...but that's not it. My calendar, reminders, wallpaper, MP3 player/playlists, whole damn phone!!! And I'm having a hard time getting any help from Apple. They want to charge me for customer service!!! Anyway, does anybody have any suggestions /ideas???
My friend had the same problem all we need was uninstall iTunes made sure he had the newest one and it seemed to have fixed it. But personally my phone didn't give me a problem
pandahou said:
My friend had the same problem all we need was uninstall iTunes made sure he had the newest one and it seemed to have fixed it. But personally my phone didn't give me a problem

I've uninstalled twice but problem still persisting that it stops syncing when attempting to backup and not allowing me to cancel backup.