iOS 5to Include Earthquake Warning Feature for Japan

iOS 5to Include Earthquake Warning Feature for Japan


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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9to5 Mac reports today that iOS 5 will feature an earthquake early warning notification option for iPhone and iPad owners in Japan. When enabled by flicking a switch, the notifications will appear at the bottom of the iOS 5 Notification Center settings screen. The user will then receive direct warnings and notifications from Japan’s official advanced earthquake early warning system, which, according to a Time article quoted by 9to5 Mac, is able to detect tremors and calculate an earthquake’s epicentre, among other things. As 9to5 Mac notes, the fact that Apple has taken the care to build this in as a standard feature for iOS devices in Japan is reminiscent of the way in which the company showed such strong support following the earthquake and tsunami, not only for its staff members in Japan, but also for members of the public caught up in the tragedy, by opening up the Apple stores in Tokyo so that anyone could use the computers to email friends and family in the time of crisis. Nice one Apple!

Source: iOS 5 includes early earthquake warning notifications for Japanese iPhone users | 9to5Mac | Apple Intelligence
This is a nice feature. But I think it also requires a US option. California is expecting a big one and what about these hurricanes. This concept will save millions of lives.
I was always told that if you didnt have any thing nice to say to not say any thing at all!!!!!
jbs06civicsi said:
I was always told that if you didnt have any thing nice to say to not say any thing at all!!!!!

What does this have to do with this thread? No one was being nasty...

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This wasn't directed twords anyone, it was just about the earth quake app. Many other things in this world that need attention and it just burns me up that it takes something like this for people to open there eyes and start making suggestions on how the world would be a better place. Thats all....
jbs06civicsi said:
This wasn't directed twords anyone, it was just about the earth quake app. Many other things in this world that need attention and it just burns me up that it takes something like this for people to open there eyes and start making suggestions on how the world would be a better place. Thats all....

It's a shame that it takes disasters for mankind to care but that's mankind for you..

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