iOS 6.1.3 Update Will Put an End to Evasi0n Jailbreak

iOS 6.1.3 Update Will Put an End to Evasi0n Jailbreak


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Bad news today from iDownload Blog regarding the Evasi0n untethered jailbreak, which, according to PlanetBeing, who is a founding member of the evad3rs crew that created Evasi0n, will be killed off by Apple when it releases the forthcoming iOS 6.1.3 update. PlanetBeing, aka David Wang, told Forbes that the new patch, which Apple should be releasing any day, will put paid to one of the five exploits used to achieve the jailbreak. As iDownload Blog notes, this will be a disappointment to those of you who want to jailbreak your devices, but it was only a matter of time before Apple did something about the exploit. PlanetBeing went on to say that he thinks that Apple will also be able to fix any other bugs that Evasi0n uses as well. Still, it was fun while it lasted, and it took Apple a little while longer this time to fix the exploit, so plenty of you will have already been able to take advantage of it![/FONT]

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[FONT=&quot]Source:[/FONT] PlanetBeing: evasi0n jailbreak likely killed in upcoming iOS 6.1.3 update
Apple does not get the message:PEOPLE WANT TO CUSTOMIZE. I think it was 7milion people in first couple of days that downloaded EvasiOn jailbreak, does that not a clear what users want? Apple should, really, face the fact that they are wrong with "OS Gestapo" outdated policies and stop playing games.
Apple is continuing with their policy... Give us more and more money for our stupid and shallow applications, on our app store...

Sent from Apple iPad 4
Apple does not get the message:PEOPLE WANT TO CUSTOMIZE. I think it was 7milion people in first couple of days that downloaded EvasiOn jailbreak, does that not a clear what users want? Apple should, really, face the fact that they are wrong with "OS Gestapo" outdated policies and stop playing games.

Well, they kind of do get it but in their own way they slowly give us these jailbreak features, most major updates and even minor I notice how many jailbreak features become enabled in a stock .ipsw such as being able to use the phone when you sync with itunes and trying to maximise battery life and reliability but I do agree with you and its such a shame that apple are so strict and forcing millions to jailbreak but out of the 80+ million who have ios devices the 7 or so is a tiny amount so a lot more need to jailbreak in order for apple to change their stance and even then its not likely.

*from my jailbroken iphone 5 on ios 6.1.2*

I'm sure someone will find a way to jailbreak 6.1.3

The Devs always say to stay away from XX update and apple always stop XX application from working, winpwn/redsn0w/quickpwn and so many apps that are used to jailbreak but the devs always come up with something new that never works for more then one or two firmwares but I have always upgraded and waited for a new jb and its been fine, some times it takes ages and others its very quick.

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