Springtomize has an issue in landscape mode.
Open a message and turn to landscape. Double click home button to access app switcher, the appswitcher is blank. Turn off springtomize and everythings fine.
I'm not having this problem at all.
Springtomize has an issue in landscape mode.
Open a message and turn to landscape. Double click home button to access app switcher, the appswitcher is blank. Turn off springtomize and everythings fine.
Octopus Keyboard is really addictive, its what has been used on the Blackberry 10 Cool Keyboard..After a bit it remembers your popular words.
Good idea... we'll get it squared away.Can we sticky this and have the OP update the list in the main post so we don't have to flip through pages?
Welp, since no one is helping me on the thread I made, I figured I would post on here since it seemed appropriate. If I install any of the Infini-tweaks, it resets my Springboard icon layout, and I have about 127 apps, and don't want to have to re-arrange every single one of them back into folders.... Can anyone pleeeease help me???