iOS 7.0.3 was released

iOS 7.0.3 was released

yes, but if your search finds items on your phone, you have to scroll down to find the wiki option.

this is true, but not a problem, now that I know it's there. I do like the update, particulalry the elimination of the zooming in and out when you navigate.

Adds iCloud Keychain to keep track of your account names, passwords, and credit card numbers across all your approved devices

I set up iCloud on my iPad MINI with no issues but when I tried setting it on my iPhone 4S, I get a message stating "cannot set up iCloud keychain". Do you have any suggestions to get around this and set it up on the phone so it works between devices as stated?

Adds Password Generator so Safari can suggest unique, hard-to-guess passwords for your online accounts

can you tell me where to find this?
I update my other 2 iPhone 4 to 7.0.3 now,both phones are same network,same settings just one is white and one black,after update time look like that first White iPhone second black one,i also have a 5S same network same settings,last screenshot. This drive me mad,How do I get rid of "0" in front of the hour in to mine 5S ?


I update my other 2 iPhone 4 to 7.0.3 now,both phones are same network,same settings just one is white and one black,after update time look like that first White iPhone second black one,i also have a 5S same network same settings,last screenshot. This drive me mad,How do I get rid of "0" in front of the hour in to mine 5S ? Thanks

Hi mariuss--

Go to iPhone settings/general and turn off the 24 hour time.


Ski ~ iPadforums Moderator | iPhoneForums Moderator
I updated my iPhone last night it took over an hour but have no problems
Spent tonight drinking coffee and installing iOS7 on my Iphone 5 32gb verizon. I am quite happy with some quick battery issue fixes in settings. now the batt. is doing well. it is doing great. I really like the digital keychailn and new iterface screens.

Spent tonight drinking coffee and installing iOS7 on my Iphone 5 32gb verizon. I am quite happy with some quick battery issue fixes in settings. now the batt. is doing well. it is doing great. I really like the digital keychailn and new iterface screens. -Photoboy

Please share the battery issue fixes you found in settings. I have attached a screenshot of my battery performance after updating to 7.0.3. I found a significant degradation in performance compared to iOS 6.1.3


  • $image-1289327071.jpg
    33 KB · Views: 119

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