iOS 8.0.1 Out Now, But Causing New Bugs

iOS 8.0.1 Out Now, But Causing New Bugs


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports that Apple has today released iOS 8.0.1, which is designed to address several problems caused by installing iOS 8. However, while it may have fixed those initial issues, news is coming in that it has now caused several new bugs, so therefore it might even make sense to avoid downloading the update if you haven’t done so already.

First off, the good news: the update will fix various issues that have been reported, including the non-appearance of HealthKit apps in the App Store, the deselection of third-party keyboards, a problem with some apps accessing photos from the Photo Library, and various other bugs, including problems with uploading photos and videos via Safari.

Now for the bad news: for some unlucky individuals, installing the update today has led to a loss of cellular connectivity, and has also disabled the Touch ID fingerprint sensor. Best advice is to hold off installing for now if you can, until Apple corrects this.

[Update: Potential fix posted in the thread below.]

Source: AppleInsider
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[Breaking] It looks like there is a potential fix for the lost cellular connectivity issue caused by iOS 8.0.1. Users have tried restarting their device and using the "Reset Network Settings" function, but neither of these will fix the problem.

MacRumors reports that some users are having luck by "restoring iOS 8.0.1 via iTunes or doing the initial install from iTunes fixes the cellular connection issues." Even Apple support has recommended this as a potential fix if the new update from this morning disables your cellular connectivity. Ironically, this issue only seems to crop up with folks on the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

Those who updated their older device (from iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, to 5c) don't seem to be experiencing this problem.
I can vouch for the update, I was one of the affected. I had to restore back to iOS 8. Funny thing is that I left a Apple store when I hit the download button. About time I left my phone was inop'. Everything is fine now but I'm very hesitant on hitting any update button now...It's sad that Apple is having such a hard time with this launch, being a day oner sucks.
I never ever go for the first release of a software update. Let the bugs show their wings, get the patches and enjoy smoother sailing. These knuckleheads never get it right the first time because they are not
[Breaking] It looks like there is a potential fix for the lost cellular connectivity issue caused by iOS 8.0.1. Users have tried restarting their device and using the "Reset Network Settings" function, but neither of these will fix the problem.

MacRumors reports that some users are having luck by "restoring iOS 8.0.1 via iTunes or doing the initial install from iTunes fixes the cellular connection issues." Even Apple support has recommended this as a potential fix if the new update from this morning disables your cellular connectivity. Ironically, this issue only seems to crop up with folks on the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

Those who updated their older device (from iPhone 4s, 5, 5s, to 5c) don't seem to be experiencing this problem.

Any current fix for this.... i don't think it's possible to downgrade to 8.0 as itunes doesn't support it anymore... i keep getting an error when i try. i have updated to ios 10 and restored to factory settings... still having service in and out issues. Thanks!
Any current fix for this.... i don't think it's possible to downgrade to 8.0 as itunes doesn't support it anymore... i keep getting an error when i try. i have updated to ios 10 and restored to factory settings... still having service in and out issues. Thanks!
You can't downgrade to any software not signed by Apple. That's why you're getting an error when you try it.
At this moment, these are iOS 9.3.5 and 10.0.1. You should be able to revert to 9.3.5, but it's not possible to go to 8.0.

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